Thursday May 29th, 2008 at 7PM
Widdi Catering Hall (5602 6th Ave, at 56th St)
Brooklyn, New York
GUPS: The General Union of Palestinian Students - NY , AL-AWDA-NY: The Palestine Right to Return Coalition, and The NY Committee for the Palestine Popular Conference
. . .Invite you to an evening of testimony, remembrance, performance and community planning for the future!
While 60 years have passed since almost a million Palestinians were kicked off their land or murdered, there has still been no apology, no reparations, and no right to return. The Nakbeh is still occurring everyday in the West Bank, Gaza, Jerusalem, in Palestine 48 and in exile, but the resistance also continues! On Thursday May 29th, come hear the stories and experiences of the survivors and resisters of Al Nakbeh as they pass their stories on to a new generation of Palestinians fighting for a free and liberated Palestine.
Subway Directions
Take the N (Express) to 59th St or the R (Local) train to 59th or 53rd St and walk one block East to 6th Avenue.
For more info on the Palestine Popular Conference 8/08/08 Chicago:
For more information on Al-Awda, please contact:
Al-Awda NY: The Palestine Right to Return Coalition
Thursday May 29th, 2008 at 7PM
Widdi Catering Hall (5602 6th Ave, at 56th St)
Brooklyn, New York
GUPS: The General Union of Palestinian Students - NY , AL-AWDA-NY: The Palestine Right to Return Coalition, and The NY Committee for the Palestine Popular Conference
. . .Invite you to an evening of testimony, remembrance, performance and community planning for the future!
While 60 years have passed since almost a million Palestinians were kicked off their land or murdered, there has still been no apology, no reparations, and no right to return. The Nakbeh is still occurring everyday in the West Bank, Gaza, Jerusalem, in Palestine 48 and in exile, but the resistance also continues! On Thursday May 29th, come hear the stories and experiences of the survivors and resisters of Al Nakbeh as they pass their stories on to a new generation of Palestinians fighting for a free and liberated Palestine.
Subway Directions
Take the N (Express) to 59th St or the R (Local) train to 59th or 53rd St and walk one block East to 6th Avenue.
For more info on the Palestine Popular Conference 8/08/08 Chicago:
For more information on Al-Awda, please contact:
Al-Awda NY: The Palestine Right to Return Coalition
Generation After Generation Until Total Liberation - FREE PALESTINE!
Don't forget to sign the Rutgers University Divest from israeli Apartheid Petition at:
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