Friday, May 16

Jewish Terrorism

By Steph

Nazism wasn’t defeated in 1945: it triumphed. Sixty years ago, on the 14 May 1948, European Jews, with the support of the British and American governments, colonised Palestine and established a “Jewish State”, through a campaign of genocide, ethnic-cleansing and terrorism that continues to this day. The majority of the indigenous Palestinian population - the rightful inhabitants of that land - have been displaced or killed by the Jewish occupying regime, and those that remain within Palestine are denied equal civil or political rights.

Zionism has always been about naked imperial aggression: when Britain invaded and occupied Jerusalem in December 1917, Foreign Secretary Balfour had already given a written commitment to Baron Rothschild that the British government would support the creation of Jewish homeland in Palestinian territory, or as Balfour put it in 1919 - Zionism was “of far profounder importance than the desire and prejudices of the 700,000 Arabs who now inhabit that ancient land.” Despite the fact that Jews had no more legal or moral right to a homeland in Palestine than the Nazis had to a fatherland in Poland, the British government was fully committed to the Jewish annexing of Palestine, and when Britain gave itself a mandate to rule Palestine as colonial overlord during the San Remo conference, ensuring that Palestine’s boundaries would “be determined by the Principal Allied Powers.” In September 1944, the British established the Jewish Brigade Group, ostensibly to fight against the Nazis, but they were allowed to enter Palestine and join the Haganah terrorist movement.

A fact lost on most Israeli-sympathisers is that Zionism is the Jewish equivalent of Nazism. The vast majority of Zionist settlers weren’t refugees, they didn’t flee Nazi occupied Europe, and they weren’t holocaust victims: they were religious extremists, fascists, criminals and terrorists. Most Israeli prime ministers were terrorists during the British mandate, including the Jewish Hitler: Ben Gurion. Another fact ignored by Israeli sympathisers, is the sheer scale of Jewish terrorism, both against the Palestinians and the British, despite British forces having waged a genocidal war against the Ottoman empire an occupied Palestine on their behalf.

The Zionist used a combination of terrorism, bribery and propaganda to extort governments into supporting the Jewish conquest of Palestine; there was never any sympathy for it amongst the British public, especially not after the kidnapping, torture, hanging and desecration of sergeants Clifford Martin and Mervyn Paice in 1947 by Jewish terrorists, but it was a top secret internal warning by early in 1946 that had the most impact on the British government:

“Members of the Stern group are now being organised and are under training. It is expected that they will be sent to the United Kingdom to assassinate important members of his majesty’s government, particularly, Mr Bevin.”

Jewish terrorist carried out several bombings in London and attempted to drop on a bomb on the House of Commons from a hired plane, which was foiled by the French Police. They also carried out several high profile assassinations on British public servants, with the support of the American Zionist lobby and media moguls.

Ever since Jewish terrorists colonised Palestine some sixty-years ago, Israel has been a by-word for genocide, ethnic-cleansing, imperialism and inhumannity. If ever there was a State sponsor of terrorism: it’s Israel.

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