Monday, May 5

if you do not resist..........

From: Raja Chemayel

drawing by Ben Heine
of an non-pacified-pen

French Resistance

Algerian Resistance

Palestinian Resistance

If you do not resist
you do not exist.
If you do not want to resist
you are "one of them".
If you cannot resist
you have , already , lost.
"Je resiste,  donc j'existe !"

Raja Chemayel
May 5Th. Liberation day in the Netherlands




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1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:09 am

    Resistance has many faucests. Some armed, others are peacful. We are doing our parts in keeping the cause alive for the Newer generation and educating non Palestinians.
    Mark you calendar for May 23-25 where we assert the Palestinian National rights. We will say it loud that we will never forget. Palestinians are the Key holders of peace. Join the thousands and strengthen the network of the thousands of activists. Express your opinion and let the many panelists know of where Palestine should go. Support our efforts to empower our community and assert the Palestinians right of return. Join the many Palestinian Americans and their supporters in Chicago commemorating the 60th year of the forced exile of the Palestinian people. Be pro active, ask questions to the Panelists and discuss the current event. We must empower ourselves and make a strong network for Justice, Peace and Freedom. Be pro active. Enough talks, Show your Responsibility.
