Wednesday, May 14

Continued Israeli demolition of Bab Almaghareba

Al-Aqsa Foundation warns of continued Israeli demolition of Bab Almaghareba road, building a military bridge to storm Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Jewish expansion in Al Buraq Yard.
Al-Aqsa Foundation warned of the demolition of Bab Almaghareba road and the construction of a military bridge that would be used to storm Al-Aqsa mosque by Israeli police and Jewish groups. The statement came after the local commission of Lopouljanski municipality in Jerusalem submitted a recommendation to approve the bridge-building.

This underlines the determination of Israelis to continue committing a crime by demolishing Bab Almaghareba, an integral part of Al-Aqsa mosque,that contains Islamic Awqaf including a school and a mosque in an attempt to
demolish part of Al Aqsa mosque. Thus, building a bridge is a Judaization and a route to incursions of hundreds of Israeli police as well as thousands of Israelis to storm the mosque whenever they want in a feverish attempt to impose occupation on Al-Aqsa mosque to divide it between Muslims and Jews"

Muslims, Arabs and Palestinians should move quickly to stop the schemes targeting Al-Aqsa mosque. The Palestinians inside and in Jerusalem have a heavier duty today. They'd provide hundreds of thousands of worshippers to be stationed inside the Holy Al-Aqsa mosque to defend and preserve it.

According to the plan there will also be expanding of the area marked for Jewish Women in Al Buraq - which means the establishment of a Jewish synagogue inside Islamic sites.

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