Thursday, May 8

Celebrating Evil

By Khalid Amayreh

Normal nations, like normal people,
don’t celebrate their days of infamy.
In fact, they struggle to forget them.
Some countries with a troubled past try
hard to deal with their shameful legacies,
often by openly acknowledging their sins
and apologizing to their victims and to their victims’ descendants.

However, in Israel, which encapsulates evil and racism,

ethnic cleansing is celebrated with utmost pride as a

consummate national achievement and a glorious success

story. “This is our manifest destiny,” many Zionists would

ostentatiously argue, with glee and deep satisfaction

apparent in the tone of their voices.

Sixty years ago today, one of the greatest thefts in history

took place in Palestine: when armed Zionist gangs launched

a massive campaign of murder and terror against the native


The marauding vandals of Zionism murdered thousands of

innocent people, destroyed thousands of homes, bulldozed

hundreds of villages, and expelled the bulk of the Palestinian

people from their ancestral motherland.

This campaign of genocidal ethnic cleansing, as Israeli

historian and political analyst Ilan Pappe argued in his

recent book “The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine,” was not

an unintended consequence or fortuitous occurrence, or

even a “miracle,” as Israel’s first president, Chairman Weizmann,

proclaimed; it was actually the result of long and meticulous planning.

Now, sixty years later, the victims, these suffering and

long-tormented Palestinian refugees, are still waiting to be

repatriated and compensated for their seemingly unending


Predictably, Zionism called the barbarian drive of ethnic

cleansing “war of independence” and “national fulfillment”.

Zionism, a Godless and manifestly racist ideology to which many

Jews have converted rather blindly, viewed the dispossession of

the Palestinian community as a proper response to Nazism and

the holocaust.

For their part, Europe in particular and the West in general saw

the creation of Israel in Palestine as a long-awaited opportunity

to dispose of the remaining European Jewry and also to atone for

centuries of anti-Semitism, culminating in the holocaust.

As to the fate of the Palestinians, whose homeland was stolen

from them in order to create a state for the victims of European

racism, it was of none of anyone’s concern.

Bertand Russell illustrated this inhumanity in a message

he sent to the International Conference of Parliamentarians

in Cairo, in February 1970.

“The tragedy of the people of Palestine,” he wrote, “is that

their country was given by a foreign power to another people

for the creation of a new state. The result was that many

hundreds of thousands of innocent people were made

permanently homeless. With every new conflict their

number increased.”

Russell then asked: “How much longer is the world willing to

endure this spectacle of wanton cruelty? It is abundantly clear

that the refugees have every right to the homeland from which

they were driven, and the denial of this right is at the heart of

the continuing conflict. No people anywhere in the world would

accept being expelled en masse from their country. How can

anyone require the people of Palestine to accept a punishment

which nobody else would tolerate?”

Today, Israel is celebrating sixty years of ethnic cleansing,

home demolitions, land seizure, racism, murder and terror

which continue to haunt those courageous Palestinians who

are still clinging to their homeland despite the high price they

pay, mostly in their own blood and the blood of their

innocent children.

True, Palestinian resilience and tenacity have almost

transcended reality in the face of the sheer evilness of Zionism.

But Israeli criminality continued to assume Nazi proportions

as is evident from the ongoing genocidal blockade of the Gaza

Strip, where 1.5 million Palestinians are constantly bombed,

starved and murdered for electing a government that both

Israel and the Bush administration didn’t like.

And in the West Bank, Israeli has effectively transformed

Palestinian cities, towns and villages into virtual detention

camps as Gestapo-like Israeli soldiers are having an open

season on helpless and unprotected Palestinians commuting

to their homes, schools, colleges and workplaces.

I don’t really know if it is possible to count on an awakening

of Zionist conscience. But, do Zionists have a conscience?

How can “conscience” and “Zionism” be used in the same


Well, in order to have conscience, one has to believe in the

difference between right and wrong, a characteristic that is

conspicuously nonexistent in the collective Zionist mindset.

I really wonder how these self-absorbed Zionists could look

at themselves in the mirror, knowing that they are living in

stolen homes, built on stolen land whose lawful owners were

banished and condemned to live a miserable life in squalid

refugee camps for sixty years and continuing?

Ask any person with a minimal sense of honesty what he

would call these depraved squatters and he or she wouldn’t

hesitate to tell you that they are “thieves and criminals.”

Yes, undoubtedly, many of these same people had lost

homes and businesses and other property in Poland,

Germany, and Eastern Europe and also in some Arab

countries. But do they have the right to kill or displace

the innocent Palestinians and take over their homes,

farms, orchards, to steal their homeland and banish them

to the four winds?

This obscene injustice can’t be accepted, neither by the

laws of man nor the laws of heaven. And wrongs must

be corrected and injustices must be rectified, or there

will be no peace.

There is no doubt that the creation of Israel was an act

of rape of the highest order. It continues to be an act of

rape and will always be as such till the end of time.

True, Israel is today an imposing reality that no one can

deny. And it does enjoy certain political legitimacy in the

eyes of many people.

But as a child of rape and a brat of oppression, Israel has

no iota of moral legitimacy since it was founded at the

expense of another people, the Palestinian people.



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