Thursday, May 8

Ceasefire now: the people's ads

 Dear friends,

Today the state of Israel
 celebrated its
 sixtieth birthday --
while Palestinians
mourn this as their own disaster.

The divides look all too wide as George
Bush prepares to fly to the region.
Yet behind the scenes, Omar Suleiman,
Egypt's intelligence chief is about to
 make a rare visit to Israel -- bringing
its leaders a ceasefire offer
he has
brokered with all the Palestinian groups.[1]
Hope could revive with this small step.

We've asked thousands of our Israeli
and Palestinian members -
they overwhelmingly support such
a comprehensive ceasefire.
 public polls and the international
community now do too
 (we directly lobbied senior European
 officials, Israelis and Palestinians over
recent months).[2] But with leaders distracted
by internal troubles and drifting into wider
regional conflict, next week's chance could
be lost -- unless we act fast.

So we're urgently finalising a major campaign
 of billboards, print media and online
 advertising to support a ceasefire deal
and send a clear message about what the
sides need to do. We need to raise at least
$50,000 to confirm this campaign in time
for Omar Suleiman's visit to Israel next
week, so every hour counts
-- to see the
ad concepts and make whatever donation
you can, please click this link:

We aim to announce the campaign with
Suleiman's visit, and the ads will appear
prominently in leading Israeli news outlets
 like Yediot Aharonot and Ha'aretz
on billboards around the country. The
campaign will make it clear that any
ceasefire must appropriately address
the concerns of both sides
-- ensuring an
end to rocket fire and incursions, reopening
the Rafah crossing with international help
(also to protect against weapons-smuggling),
 and laying the foundations for a reciprocal
prisoner exchange including Israeli soldier
Gilad Shalit.

As well as bringing quiet and safety to the
 people of Sderot and Gaza, a ceasefire
should improve conditions for a more
 lasting peace – which is why it is being
 championed not just by Hamas but
also by Palestinian
 President Mahmoud Abbas.
This campaign is targeted first at Suleiman's
visit to Israel, so we're asking our Israeli
members as well as you which advertisements
will have the best impact there -- we invite
input on what parallel efforts may be necessary
 in the Palestinian context.

Creative advocacy can make a real difference.
The Japanese press report that our Titanic
 ad at Bali helped change their government's
[4] Our Stop the Clash of Civilizations
video won the 2007 YouTube Award for Best
Political Video, has been seen by millions of
people including thousands of schoolchildren,
 and is airing to millions more through the
 global TV event Pangea Day this Saturday.[5]

But sixty years after 1948, Palestinians still
lack their own independence, Israelis still lack
security, and children on both sides still
cannot sleep in peace. Meanwhile, their conflict
spills over around the world. Time and again,
the majority of ordinary people on both
sides make it clear that they want
 something better.
Let's lend our help to make
 their voices heard before it's too late --
 click here to make your donation
support the ceasefire campaign:

With hope and determination,

Paul, Galit, Ricken, Veronique, Graziela,
Pascal, Ben and the whole Avaaz team


1. Yediot Aharonot:
 "Egypt's Suleiman in Israel next week",
7th May 2008

2. Public polling suggests that
64% of Israelis and 73% of Palestinians
 back a comprehensive ceasefire. Our
members give this campaign a strong
mandate - over 87% of our Israeli
membership and over 90% globally
support a ceasefire on terms.

We met with senior European officials, as well
as Israelis and Palestinians, to deliver our Gaza
 campaigns. And recently, the Quartet's meeting
in London gave tacit support to an Egypt-brokered
 ceasefire - see Reuters:
"Quartet backs Egyptian effort to
ease Gaza blockade", 2 May 2008

3. Middle East Times:
"Abbas gives Egypt mediation unconditional support",
27 April 2008

4. Asahi Shimbun article from January 2008
on Japan's "Bali Shock", including the story
of how the environment minister placed
 Avaaz's advertisement on the table in
 front of Prime Minister Fukuda and asked,
"is this how we want the world to see us?",
 and how the policy shift unfolded.

5. Pangea Day is a global event "bringing the
world together through film" this Saturday
10 May - check it out. You can watch it on
a range of TV stations and online in seven
 languages, and attend thousands of
events around the world -
visit their website to find out more.

And if you haven't already, you can
watch "Stop the Clash" on YouTube...

But don't forget to help fund the ceasefire ads


ABOUT AVAAZ is an independent, not-for-profit global
campaigning organization that works to ensure
 that the views and values of the world's people
inform global decision-making.
 (Avaaz means "voice" in many languages.)
 Avaaz receives no money from governments
 or corporations, and is staffed by a global
 team based in London, Rio de Janeiro,
New York, Paris, Washington DC, and

Don't forget to check out our
Facebook and Myspace and Bebo pages!

Don't forget to sign the petition:
"End the Siege of Gaza: Ceasefire Now"


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1 comment:

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