Monday, March 3

Zionists bare fangs at mild admonition from Canada...

C.F. Bernadotte

Canwest News Service;
"Canada expressed deep concern
Sunday at the growing escalation
of violence around the hotly contested
Gaza Strip, admonishing the
Israelis for its military operations and
condemning Hamas and other
groups for unprovoked attacks.
But a strongly worded diplomatic caution
from Foreign Affairs Minister
Maxime Bernier, who said Canada is
concerned about the Israeli
measures in retaliation —
including military operations which impact
civilians — immediately drew a sharp response.
Israeli ambassador Alan Baker rejected
the public scolding from
Canada as "irresponsible allegations and insinuations" and said the use of
such force is necessary. "
Why wouldn't Harper understand the death of 100 Arabs is
required to avenge the death of a single Israeli?

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