Friday, March 7

Toronto Star answers the call... Comparison of Front Page news stories

C.F. Bernadotte

ltamar Eichner(;
"Israel has decided to take advantage of Thursday's
bloody terror attack in Jerusalem in order to launch
an aggressive campaign against Hamas.

Yedioth Ahronoth has learned that the political echelon
instructed the Government Press Office to distribute
the shocking images from the yeshiva shooting worldwide,
including pictures of holy books perforated with bullets,
a blood-stained praying shawl and the terrorist's
body inside the yeshiva.

Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and Foreign Minister
Tzipi Livni decided that the Foreign Ministry would
work to convey the Israeli messages to the international

Livni spoke to a large number of foreign ministers and
expressed the State of Israel's abhorrence over the
deadly attack."full text;
Attached is jpeg of front page of today's Toronto Star.

For comparison I have attached the front pages for Mar 1
(day after 18 Arabs killed in Gaza), Mar. 2(day after 30
Arabs killed in Gaza), and Mar 3(day after 39 Arabs
killed in Gaza).


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