Tuesday, March 4

Today in Palestine, March 4 2008

Shadi Fadda

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The full story!

Rights Group: More than 50% of Gaza
casualties weren't militants

The human rights organization B'Tselem on Monday said in a
statement that more than half of the Palestinians killed in the
Gaza Strip in Israel Defense Forces operations in recent
days did not take an active part in the fighting.
This statement came after the IDF Chief of Staff issued
a statement saying that 90 percent of those killed were
in fact armed militants.

Amnesty rips IDF for reckless
disregard of life in Gaza

The London-based human rights organization Amnesty
International has condemned Israel's attacks on Gaza,
claiming they are "being carried out with reckless
disregard for civilian life."

Adalah: Operation Warm Winter a war crime
Legal Center for Arab Minority Rights in Israel send
letter to defense and justice ministers, containing
harsh criticizing against IDF operation in Gaza:
'Use of inaccurate weapons violates international law'

In its offensive, army killed a handicapped

person, shelled relief organizations
The disability rehabilitation sector in Palestine, part
of the Network of the Nongovernmental Organizations,
slammed the Israeli offensive against the Palestinian
people, and stated that one of the killed residents
suffered a hearing disability.

Eight new Gaza victims
Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) continued their
military operations in the Gaza Strip. Over the past 24
hours, IOF carried out several air raids against civilian
targets and resistance fighters. As a result, eight
Palestinians were killed. Two of the victims were
unarmed civilians, one of them a child. With yesterday's
victims the tally since Wednesday, 27 February, till time
of publication, soared to 108 victims killed, including
54 unarmed civilians.

The after math -Gaza today 3rd of march 2008

Here is the outcome of the Israeli military operation
against Gaza , 117 killed 350 and more injured. These
numbers are preliminary, as the emergency teams
were only allowed to evacuate tens of injured and
some dead this morning. Some who were lying in the
citrus orchards of Jabalia town , east of Gaza city.
The majority of the dead and injured are civilians,
many suffered serious injuries. In some cases the
casualties were of the same family and many
children were killed.

Israel Kills More Children
Three other Palestinian children were killed in an air strike.
The following day, four Palestinian children were killed near
the Jabaliya refugee camp while playing soccer. Two of the
boys, all aged 7 to 14, were from the same family. A child's
body was found in eastern Gaza, a victim of Israeli shelling.

Palestinians are shot as they take to the
streets in response to Gaza massacres
Dozens of Palestinians have been injured in towns across
the West Bank after Israeli troops cracked down on
demonstrations against the Israeli mass killings in Gaza.
Today, students marched to the Israeli separation wall near
Rachael's Tomb. Young Palestinians pelted Israeli military
vehicles with stones and empty bottles. The soldiers fired
live ammunition, tear gas and sound grenades. Ten people
were injured, witnesses said.

Israeli terror continues to stalk Gaza
The artillery shelling never ends. The airstrikes never stop.
The bloodbath never comes to a conclusion. For the
Palestinians in Gaza, daily living is defined by the body
count, the number of coffins being hurried to the
cemeteries, the crammed hospital corridors and
the overflowing of intensive care units.

Shocked Gazans emerge from rubble
As the last Israeli tanks rumbled out of the
Gaza Strip the territory's shell-shocked residents
crept out from the rubble where many of them had
cowered for more than two days.

Four Palestinians arrested after attacking
police officers in E. Jerusalem
Four Palestinians were arrested Monday evening
after attacking two Israeli traffic police officers in their
police car in East Jerusalem. The two officers managed
to get away after being under attack for a full minute.

The army pulls out from northern Gaza,
the Israeli government vows to continue its attacks
The Israeli army announced on Monday that all troops
that were deployed in the northern part of the
Gaza strip since Saturday polled out and were
deployed at the borders.

Around 100 Palestinians gathered at the

Nativity church to protest at Israeli
attacks on Gaza
Around 100 Palestinians mostly young children gathered
on Monday evening outside the church of the Nativity
located in the southern West Bank city of Bethlehem,
to protest Israeli continued attacks on Gaza.

Over 112 Palestinians Killed in Five-Day Israeli
Attack, Mohammed Omer Reports from Gaza
As Israel pulls ground troops from Gaza, Israeli aircraft
continues to carry out bombing raids. On Sunday,
Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas formally
suspended contacts with Israel to protest what he called
a criminal war on the Palestinian people. We speak with
Palestinian journalist Mohammed Omer and Israeli
journalist Amira Hass. [includes rush transcript]

Pro-Abbas forces arrest six
Hamas men in West Bank
Palestinian security forces arrested six members of
Islamic Hamas movement in the West Bank, Hamas
said on Tuesday. In a statement sent to the media,
Hamas said the forces, loyal to President Mahmoud
Abbas of rival Fatah movement, arrested the six in the
cities of Nablus, Hebron and Salfeet.

Five Palestinians kidnapped by Israeli military

in the northern part of the West Bank
On Tuesday morning, Israeli forces carried out military
operations in the northern part of the West Bank,
focussing on Nablus and Jenin cities, and kidnapped at
least five Palestinians in the operation.

Israeli military kidnaps five in Bethlehem

The Israeli military invaded the southern West Bank
city of Bethlehem and the nearby town of al-Khader
on Tuesday morning.

Israeli army forces Hebron orphanage
and shopping mall to shut
The Islamic Study Centre in the centre of Hebron is a
charity dedicated to the welfare and education of
orphans in Hebron, it boasts a library and a study centre
built into a shopping complex, and a school with working
transport. However last Tuesday the IOF raided both the
shopping centre and the school. In the shopping centre
they blew the locks off the doors with live ammunition
and then confiscated computers, files, papers and other
equipment. They then went into the school and confiscated
everything including the chairs and tables as well as four
buses and a car. The High Commander had drawn up a
notice which explicitly stated that the shopping centre
will close on the 1st of May this year, and anyone caught
with a business open after this day will face five years
imprisonment. The allegation given for this closure and
invasion was that the orphanage had links with Hamas
and was training and recruiting for them.

Residents held a protest in Khan Younis
slamming Israeli attacks, calling for unity
Thousands of residents of Khan Younis, in the southern
part of the Gaza Strip, held a massive protest on Monday
evening against the Israeli attacks in the Gaza Strip and
calling for unity among the Palestinians and all factions.

Al-Jazeera News Mar. 2, 2008

Destruction in Jabaliya after attacks
-3 Feb 08

Olmert warns of more fighting soon as

Israel pulls troops out of Gaza
· Prime minister says goal is to weaken Hamas
· Defiant militants continue rocket attacks on towns

Israel declares 'interval' to raids

Israel has pulled back its troops from the Gaza Strip
before a visit by the US secretary of state. But Gaza's
residents remain wary of further attacks after a senior
Israeli official said that the pull-back would only be a
"two-day interval" during Condoleezza Rice's visit.

White House blames Hamas for
sparking violence in south
The White House on Monday blamed the Palestinian
militant group Hamas for sparking recent fighting
between Israel and the Palestinians that has killed
dozens and put a halt to peace talks.

Rice arrives to Egypt and accuses Hamas of
weakening the peace process

Condoleezza Rice, the U.S Secretary of State, arrived
at Egypt's capital Cairo, on first stop during her visit to Middle East.

Hamas: Rice statement facilitates the
ongoing war against the resistance movement

The Hamas movement on Tuesday considered
the statement of Condoleezza Rice the U.S Secretary of
State, as part of the ongoing war on the movement and
the Palestinian resistance.

Abbas: I'm ready to negotiate a truce
between Israel, Hamas
Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas said Monday
he was ready to mediate a truce between Israel and
the Islamic Hamas movement, after five days of fierce
fighting in the Gaza Strip and intensified rocket
attacks from the Strip into southern Israel.

The Gaza Bombshell

After failing to anticipate Hamas's victory over Fatah
in the 2006 Palestinian election, the White House
cooked up yet another scandalously covert and
self-defeating Middle East debacle: part Iran-contra,
part Bay of Pigs. With confidential documents,
corroborated by outraged former and current U.S.
officials, David Rose reveals how President Bush,
Condoleezza Rice, and Deputy National-Security
Adviser Elliott Abrams backed an armed force
under Fatah strongman Muhammad Dahlan,
touching off a bloody civil war in Gaza and leaving
Hamas stronger than ever.

US plotted to overthrow Hamas after
election victory
The Bush administration, caught out by the rise
of Hamas, embarked on a secret project for the armed
overthrow of the Islamist government in Gaza, it
emerged yesterday. Vanity Fair reports in its
April edition that President George Bush and the
secretary of state, Condoleezza Rice, signed off on a plan
for the Palestinian president, Mahmoud Abbas, to remove
the Hamas authorities in Gaza. The plan called for
Washington's allies in the region to funnel arms and
salaries to Fatah fighters who would lead a rising against Hamas.


Dahlan vows to decimate Hamas
"I told them [Hamas] that they would eat [expletive]
if they recognised Israel and would eat [expletive]
if they didn't recognise Israel. They would eat
[expletive] if they recognised the Arab initiative and
would eat [expletive] if they didn't." Dahlan also
tacitly admits that he has been behind much of the
lawlessness and security chaos in Gaza: "I just deploy
two jeeps, and people would say Gaza is on fire."
Dahlan says Hamas's victory in the elections was
"a disaster", or nakba, for the movement, and yet,
"Hamas is now the weakest Palestinian faction.
They are whining and complaining. Well, they will have
to suffer yet more until they are damned to the seventh
ancestor. I will haunt them from now till the end of their
term in four years. And I swear, whoever within Fatah
says 'we should join the government," I will humiliate them."

Olmert: We must continue Gaza ops
until terrorism stops
"There is a leadership now in the West Bank that wants
peace in a way that even Arab leaders we previously
negotiated with and embraced didn't want it", the
prime minister said. "Absence of negotiations would
lead to a 'Gazaization' of the West Bank, and anyone
who can't see this is lying to himself," he added.

Non-violent march through Ramallah streets
ends reading the names of the fallen in Gaza
at the Muqata
On Sunday, March 2nd, Palestinians marched alongside
international supporters through the streets of Ramallah,
banging pots, chanting, and making noise. They were
protesting the massacres in Gaza, the continued siege,
the silence in the international community, and the ongoing
violations of international law. Around 200 people gathered near ...

Hezbollah rally calls for Gaza resistance,
not surrender - Summary
Beirut - Thousands of followers of the Islamist movements
Hezbollah and Hamas staged a mass rally Monday in Beirut's
southern suburbs, vowing "resistance and not surrender"
to save the Gaza Strip from "Zionist aggression.""We are
not counting on anyone to save us in Gaza. We are counting
on our strugglers who will liberate the whole land of Palestine,"
Hamas spokesman Ousama Hamdan said.

Tens of thousands of Syrians, Arabs march
to protest Israeli attacks on Gaza

Tens of thousands of Syrians filled the central square of
Damascus Monday to protest ongoing Israeli attacks in
the Gaza Strip that have killed more than 100 Palestinians,
while elsewhere in the region thousands others
also demonstrated.

French solidarity rally with Gaza

Brazilian cartoonist Carlos Latuff creates
artworks that call on the world to condemn
Israeli holocaust of Gaza

Anti-Zionist Jews condemn Gaza massacres:

A worldwide organization representing anti-Zionist
Jews has strongly condemned the ongoing mass
killing and maiming by the Israeli occupation army
of hundreds of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.

EU pushes for deal to reopen Gaza-Egypt border
The European Union said on Monday it was pushing
for agreement between Cairo, Israel and Palestinian
President Mahmoud Abbas to reopen Egypt's border
crossing with the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip. Israeli
and European officials said one proposal under
consideration would seek to open the Rafah border
crossing to cargo, expanding on its former role for travellers only.

'Egypt, Jordan may rule Gaza, W. Bank'
Egypt and Jordan may have to temporarily take control
of the Gaza Strip and the West Bank due to the Palestinian
leadership's inability to curb terror activity in its territories,
Pensioners' Affairs Minister Rafi Eitan, a member of the
security cabinet, said on Tuesday.

The Day the Earth and Sky Traded Places

Around 10:30pm on the night of February 28, M and
his wife S spoke in low tones in a dark room dimly lit
by a battery-operated lamp. They were trying to decide
if it was still safe to send their children to school and
decided in favor because the elementary school building
is in a safer part of the city near a number of international
offices. The electricity in the building had been out 10
hours by then and the couple pulled blankets around
them to keep warm in the damp winter air. They live on
the 6th floor of Shifa Tower, an 11-story apartment building
housing more than a hundred families.

Manufacturing Consent For War With Iran:

Long-range rockets fired from Gaza are Iranian
Israel army: The Israeli army on Monday said that all the
long-range rockets fired by Gaza militants against southern
Israel during the latest round of violence were manufactured
in arch-foe Iran.

Truce or Bloodbath
A recent poll published in the Israeli daily Ha'aretz
suggested that 64% of Israelis favoured a negotiated
truce with Hamas. But in the past few days, a military
onslaught that has so far claimed more than a hundred
Palestinian lives, mostly women and children, has made
it clear that the Israeli leadership is not interested in any
peaceful exit from the current predicament. The Ha'aretz
poll may point to a lack of confidence in the government's
ability to settle its problem with Gaza through the use of
force, and vindicate those within the military and intelligence
community who have been advising the Israeli prime minister,
Ehud Olmert to talk to Hamas. A truce as once proposed by
Giora Eiland, who served as national security adviser to the
former prime minister Ariel Sharon, would entail a reasonable
exchange of prisoners and a lifting of sanctions in exchange for
a cessation of all hostilities between the two sides. Hamas would,
in principle, have agreed to negotiate a truce along these terms.
But it seems that Olmert's cabinet has not given up on the idea
of bringing Hamas to its knees or finishing it off altogether.

Minute of silence to honor
Gaza dead stirs up controversy

Students at Emek Yezreel College up in arms after
lecturer allows minute of silence to be observed for
Palestinian casualties in Gaza.

Obama says U.S. should not meet with Hamas
Democratic U.S. presidential candidate Barack Obama
on Monday backed the Bush administration's policy of
shunning contact with the Islamic militants of Hamas
in its Middle East peace diplomacy.

The Never-Ending Travesty
ARLINGTON -- During a hearing in Virginia this morning
Dr. Sami Al-Arian was informed that he will be called to
testify before a third grand jury. Please read the post below
(source: Attorney Jonathan Turley's blog). The Justice
Department Calls Dr. Sami Al-Arian Before Third Grand
Jury. Since the beginning of civil contempt proceedings
against Dr. Sami Al-Arian, we have been heavily restricted
in what we can discuss in public due to the on-going court
sealing of proceedings. Today, however, the government
presented a court order that granted him, again, immunity
to testify and ordered him to appear before another grand
jury. The order effectively strips him of his privilege against
self-incrimination and lays the groundwork for a new civil or
criminal contempt proceeding.

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