Wednesday, March 5

Planned protests cause Israeli ambassador to cancel Edinburgh visit

1. Statement of Scottish Palestine Solidarity
Campaign, Tuesday 04 March, following cancellation of
Thursday meeting

2. SPSC Press statement issued yesterday, Monday 03

1. Israeli Ambassador cancels visit to Edinburgh in
face of planned protests

The Ambassador of child murder, ethnic cleansing, and
threats of ‘Holocaust’ on Gaza has called off his
planned talk at Edinburgh University on Thursday.
Prosor cites ‘security concerns’: in reality he,
and Edinburgh University, realised that the planned
protests would have channelled some of the fury that
millions now feel at Israel’s never-ending crimes
against the Palestinian people.

Questions remain and demand answers urgently:

Why did Edinburgh University officially agree to
Prosor’s request to speak there even as Israel
intensified the collective punishment of the people of
Gaza in stark violation of international law?
Why has no invitation been extended to a
representative of the beleaguered students and staff
at Bir Zeit University, officially linked to the EU
Students’ Association, and heroically struggling to
survive under Israel’s illegal occupation?
Edinburgh University says the meeting is ‘postponed
and no new date has been decided’. How can the
University justify its support for the Ambassador of a
terrorist state in a time of mass murder?
Had Scottish police forces given permission to any
armed Israelis to come on to British university

Scottish Palestine Solidarity Campaign pledges to work
to the limits of our energy and ability to keep
Scotland a country where defenders of genocide, those
who threaten ‘Holocaust’ against the Palestinians
of Gaza, cannot visit freely.* We will maintain the
pressure on those, lost to all human compassion, who
continue to openly support Israeli ethnic cleansing in
the West Bank, and its murderous activities in the
Gaza Killing Zone.

We build on the labours of those who have made England
a no-go area for Israeli war criminals such as
Dichter, Almog, Mofaz and others, by amassing data
that gave legal officers no choice but to issue arrest
warrants. We take forward the decisions of the
British juries who found the Israeli military guilty
of the murders of British citizens Tom Hurndall and
James Miller.

But most of all we will work to remove the stain of
British Government complicity, from Balfour to Blair
and Brown, in the incessant violation of the heroic
people of Palestine, surviving against all odds under
the US-supplied weapons of a murderous enemy.

We call upon people of conscience across Scotland and
the world to redouble our efforts to isolate apartheid
Israel through the growing campaign for boycott,
divestment and sanctions against the rogue state until
it recognises Palestinian human rights.

We call upon the people of conscience in Glasgow and
Scotland to vigorously protest the ‘Holocaust’
Ambassador’s planned visit to the Glasgow Hilton on
Sunday. Prosor will participate in a sick
fund-raising event to raise money for the racist
JNF**, where Goldie Hawn, in the shadow of the over
100 Gaza deaths caused by lack of access to medical
care, is due to entertain Prosor and other guests with
a talk on “Laughter is the Best Medicine”.

We appeal for your support, to join us to build a
component of a world-wide campaign to provide
solidarity to the people of Palestine. While the
hideous/ridiculous figure of Blair slouches towards
Jerusalem as a ‘peacemaker’, we have little

Mick Napier 0795 800 2591

John Wight 07738 528 145

Scottish Palestine Solidarity Campaign

* The previous plans by an Israeli Ambassador to visit
Scotland were also cancelled in the face of planned
protests. See: We will Protest every Visit by Israeli
State Agents to Scotland

** Jewish National Fund (sordid details at


Monday, 3 March, 2008


Scottish Palestine Solidarity Campaign (SPSC) condemns
the decision of Edinburgh University to invite UK
Israeli Ambassador, Ron Prosor, to speak at the
university this coming Thursday.

In the past week over 100 Palestinians have been
slaughtered as a result of an Israeli military attack
on Gaza, an assault which confirms Israel's
determination to continue a policy of collective
punishment against Palestinian civilians, including
children. It is a policy that is in clear violation of
international law and as such it is a disgrace and a
stain on the city of Edinburgh that a representative
of the Israeli government be given such a welcome and
a platform at Edinburgh University. In effect it is to
condone Israel's continuing policy of siege,
starvation, and military attack against a people whose
only crime is that they continue to exist.

Visit our website to catch up on the latest news.

Scottish Palestine Solidarity Campaign

SPSC is affiliated to the Palestine Solidarity
Campaign (UK)


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