Friday, March 7

The Madness Of Israel Must Not Continue

Jim Kirwan

In a day or so Condoleezza Rice will yet again appear at
the microphones in the Middle-East spewing new lies
upon old promises while mouthing all the same-old
worn-out words that have no meaning to anyone that's
been watching for these last four decades.
She will be coming to talk about her
Owner's two-state solution: Here's a recent map:
can you see any possibility for anything
like two separate but equal states?

This open wound in the heart of the Middle East was
created by a combination of deceptions and black-ops
intrigues that has over the decades only continued to deepen.
We must close this wound by force if necessary.

Just today we learned what really happened to the
money that the Pentagon lost at the beginning of the
Iraq war-it went to Israel!

"Think of this as part two of Recherche du trillions perdu,
my Online Journal article on Dov Zakheim, former Bush
appointee as Pentagon Comptroller from May 4, 2001 to
March 10, 2004. At that time he was unable to explain
the disappearance of $1 trillion dollars. Actually, nearly
three years earlier, Donald Rumsfeld announced on
September 10, 2001 that an audit discovered $2.3 trillion
was also missing from the Pentagon books. That story, as
I mentioned, was buried under 9-11's rubble. The two
sums disappeared on Zakheim's watch.

Yet on May 6, 2004, Zakheim took a lucrative position
at Booz Allen Hamilton, one of the most prestigious strategy
consulting firms in the world. One of its clients then was
Blessed Relief, a charity said to be a front for Osama bin
Laden. Booz, Allen & Hamilton then also worked closely
with DARPA, the Defense Advanced Research Projects
Agency, which is the research arm of the Department of
Defense. So the dark card was shifted to another
part of the deck.

Judicial Inc's bio of Dov (linked below)
tells us Zakheim was/is a dual Israeli/American citizen
and an ordained rabbi and had been tracking the
halls of US government for 25 years, casting defense
policy and influence on Presidents Reagan, Clinton,
Bush Sr. and Bush Jr. He is, as I described him
earlier, the bionic Zionist. In fact, Judicial Inc
points out that most of Israel's armaments were
gotten thanks to him. Squads of US F-16 and F-15
were classified military surplus and sold to Israel
at a fraction of their value."(1)

And if that's not enough to make your blood boil,
add the three trillion more that the war will
directly cost the US taxpayers, for our part in
the fighting and the dying that will last until the
last US casualty dies.

Six trillion dollars, and tell me again-how many
Israeli's have died in that war! The US taxpayers
have armed Israel to the teeth, and we have not
demanded anything in return. We should leave
Iraq immediately and replace every one of ours
with IDF forces so that they can begin to fight their
own actual wars: instead of just bombing and strafing
the civilians inside Palestine and elsewhere.
If Israel were actually threatened by armed and angry
enemies that can fight back, she might not be so
cavalier about killing so very many Palestinians
as she has been since 1946. (2)

A great many people have been sucked in to believing
Israel's one- sided explanations for their current
position, in their continuing genocide against the
Palestinians. However there's a new book coming out
about something that happened in 1953: Something that
cast a huge amount of light on our own position in Iran
at that time, and as it turns out, in the entire Middle-East,
right up until today.

STEPHEN KINZER" from his book: "
All the Shah's Men: An American Coup and the Roots
of Middle East Terror:" was Bruce Laingen,
who had been the chief American diplomat in
Iran and was the most prominent figure among
the hostages that were held there for 444 days. And
I knew that Laingen had become an advocate of
reconciliation with Iran, which I consider quite
remarkable, considering the ordeal that he suffered.
He told me an amazing story. He said, "I had been
sitting in my solitary cell as a hostage for about a year,
when one day the cell door opens, and there is standing
one of the hostage takers, one of my jailers. And all of
my rage and my fury built up over one year sitting in
that cell just burst out, and I started screaming at him,
and I was telling him, 'You have no right to do this!
This is cruel, this is inhumane! These people have
done nothing! This is a violation of every law of god
and man! You cannot take innocent people hostage!'"
He said, "I went on like this for several minutes.
When I was finally out of breath, the hostage taker
paused for a moment, and then he leaned into my
cell and said, in very good English, 'You have no right
to complain, because you took our whole country
hostage in 1953.'"
The interview continues:

"Just very briefly, so we placed the Shah back on his
peacock throne. The Shah ruled with increasing
repression for twenty-five years. His repression set
off the explosion of the late 1970s, what we call the
Islamic Revolution. That revolution brought to power
a clique of fanatically anti-American mullahs. That
revolution also inspired radicals in other countries,
like next-door Afghanistan, where the Taliban came
to power and gave shelter to al-Qaeda with results
we all know. That instability in Iran that followed
that revolution also led Iran's great enemy next door,
Saddam Hussein, to invade Iran. That not only set off
an eight-year war between Iran and Iraq, but it also
brought the United States into its death embrace with
Saddam. We were the military allies of Saddam
during the Iran-Iraq War, and we were supplying
Saddam with military intelligence, with Bell helicopters
that he used to spray gas on Iranian positions.
President Reagan sent a special envoy twice to
Baghdad to negotiate with Saddam and ask him how
we could help him. And, of course, that envoy was
Donald Rumsfeld. So that instability set off by that
revolution also led the United States into the spiral
in Iraq that brought us to the point where we are now.

That revolution in Iran also spooked the Soviets.
They were terrified that there would be copycat
fundamentalist revolutions all along their southern flank.
And to prevent that, they invaded Afghanistan.
That brought the United States into its position in
Afghanistan, where we brought Osama bin Laden there,
we trained all these tens of thousands of jihadis in how
to kill infidels, which they later became the Taliban.
We later became the infidels they wanted to kill.
So why is this all so important for today?

AMY GOODMAN: And, in fact, it affected
the Carter-Reagan elections, brought Reagan to power.

STEPHEN KINZER: Oh, and it devastated the
presidency of Jimmy Carter forever, absolutely.

AMY GOODMAN: Which had enormous effect then
on Latin America, when you look at Reagan's role in
Latin America in the '80s.

STEPHEN KINZER: You can-they call it in the CIA
"walking back the cat." You can walk back the cat
endlessly on this one. And the reason the story is so
relevant is that it tells us the main thing you need to
know in assessing the current idea of an attack on
Iran, which is the worst consequences are ones
you can't even imagine. . ." (3)

For years I've been screaming about the lack of
consequences for our actions everywhere in the
world. It appears that I was very, very wrong on
this one: because there have been consequences
everywhere, hiding in plain sight! Which is all the
more reason that Americans must demand that
our Owners reign in the madness that we have unleashed,
through Israel onto what's left of Palestine?

Look at that map above one more time and ask
yourself what happened to all that land that Israel,
as the occupying force, was supposed to be protecting
for the Palestinians, its rightful owners!
It is not what aggressor nations say that matters
but rather what they do! And between the USA and Israel
we have been the aggressors now for 52 years:
that situation so that everything else can return to
the normal levels of political corruption that all of us
take for granted!

1) Following Zakheim and Pentagon
trillions to Israel and 911

2) Iraq: The Three Trillion Dollar War

3) The 1953 CIA Coup in Iran and the
Roots of Middle East Terror

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