Monday, March 17

The Latest From Palestine Blogs

The Latest from

Palestine Blogs

Click On The Headline for Full Story!


(Ben Heine © Cartoons) What was a quiet day in Jerusalem turned
into a nightmare by evening. I was on my way to a family celebration
when I was confronted by hundreds of stone throwing Judeonazis,...

While the Losers Are Normalizing With Israel…..

Gulf Supermarkets Boycott Danish Products: Reports "16/03/2008
Supermarkets in Gulf Arab states have stopped selling Danish
products to protest against the new publication in Denmark of a...

Run to the Bomb Shelters; Darth Vader is in the Region!

Cheney in Middle East to Discuss Regional Issues Al-Manar "
16/03/2008 US Vice President Dick Cheney leaves for the Middle
East Sunday, hoping to help revive the battered “peace process†and get...

A little too spicy!

I was stumbling and I came across this article about Chinese
hot sauce. (Source) Holy F#$@#$ crap! That’s insane. Can
you imagine what it would do to your stomach? The power of Chinese hot...

A little too spicy!

I was stumbling and I came across this article about Chinese
hot sauce. (Source) Holy F#$@#$ crap! That’s insane. Can you
imagine what it would do to your stomach? The power of Chinese hot...

When The Merkel Hits The Fanfare

RACHEL CORRIE … 1979 - 2003

~ Dedicated to a 23 year old peace activist who was killed on
March 16, 2003 when she was crushed by a bulldozer on the
Gaza Strip.~Visit her WEBSITE ~YOU ARE NOT FORGOTTEN ... WE...

People will never grow up

And I am still the centre of attention. Damn I am popular.
I should gleam with pride but I decided to take a nap instead.
Children don’t impress me much. Share This

People will never grow up

And I am still the centre of attention. Damn I am popular.
I should gleam with pride but I decided to take a nap instead.
Children don’t impress me much. Share This

Rules of Engagement “Thrown Out the Window”

By Dahr Jamail "SILVER SPRING, Maryland, Mar 15 (IPS)
- Garret Reppenhagen received integral training about the
Geneva Conventions and the Rules of Engagement during
his deployment in Kosovo. But in...

Free Tibet! (Video, la cantante Bjiork censurata
a Shangai: “Tibet, Tibet, raise your flag!”)

Free Tibet, come ha cantato di recente Bjiork censurata a
Shangai: Una marcia pacifica per liberare il Tibet L’hanno
chiamata la “Marcia del ritorno in Tibet”. E' partita...

ع البال

Occupation and resistance:
Haifa Zangana interview

By Ian Sinclair "WHILE many of those people who
opposed the 2003 US-British invasion and subsequent
occupation of Iraq have often been disingenuously smeared
as apologists for Saddam Hussein, this...

5 years on, we remember Rachel Corrie

parentNode.className += ' adhesive_post'; This article was
originally published in The Observer newspaper on the 2nd
March 2008 It is impossible to...

Real News: Israel may reoccupy Gaza

Following a dramatic escalation of violence in Gaza, in
which reportedly over 120 Palestinians were killed,
US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice visited the region
in what observers call an attempt...

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

Al-Jazeera Video: Iraq war veterans accuse
US military of coverups - 16 Mar 08

Dealing with Death and Destruction:
in Southern Lebanon and in Beirut

Two witnesses give their testimonies at the Bruxelles
Tribunal for Lebanon, Salam Daher and Dr Hayder Decmak
(in the photo, Salam Daher and one of the victims of the
Qana Massacre) Salam Daher has...

Video: Has corporate media forgotten Iraq?

Winter Soldier: Phyllis Bennis on the loss of interest in the
Iraq war Sunday March 16th, 2008 Phyllis Bennis is a Senior
Analyst at the Institute for Policy Studies in Washington DC.
She is the...

“March 14 Document is
Tantamount to US Membership I.Dâ€

Al-Manar "16/03/2008 Hezbollah issued a statement on
Saturday commenting on the document issued by the March
14 coalition in the commemoration of March 14, saying its
latest declaration was...

Off to Dubai

I'm leaving this week to Dubai where I'll spend a couple of
months. Then I'll return back to Lebanon and stay here until
delivering my baby in July inshallah. I missed my husband,
I haven't seen him...

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