of the Israeli IOF scumbag pointing
the gun at a harmless innocent
Palestinian Child and ask:
Really? This is what the world supports when
they support Israel? This is what money from
other countries like the United States is for?
Wake up world! Speak out against Israel.
ReplyDeleteYou, on the other hand, went into an Israeli religious school and killed 8 boys in cold blood, not soldiers or military targets.
You're a joke. You start a fight and then complain that you get hit. War is like a tennis match and you'r enot immune form the violence you start.
emanuel appel
you sir seem to forget history and who started what!
ReplyDeleteLets us not forget jews were free to live in Palestine and lived good while in Europe they were being hunted down and killed.
Then the British Mandate allowed for Zionist to come on in and kill, murder, steal and do everything under the sun and for the last 60 years Israel has been given a free ride because of the holocaust guilt trip and other reasons.
But I can see your media has you confused , they tend to do that a lot... Palestinians by North American Media are treated like North American Native People for example :
I always laugh when Media ends a story by saying:
" And native people claim that the land is stolen land " loool Hellooo Do you hear yourself .... it's all stolen land , Europeans came here to North America and discovered native people often referred to as Native Americans in USA and Aboriginals in Canada and they either killed them off or stuck them on reservations. Do you really think some guy came here on a ship 500 years ago and discovered places like America and especially Canada and it was just empyty?
The same goes for Palestine, the Palestinians were on the land it is theirs and they have a right as a people to live and be free just like every one else on the planet and for Israel to do what it has done and continue on this path with all its breaking of International laws, UN Resolutions, The murder, human rights abuses, and more then I am sorry : I have no Pitty for Israel and they must be stopped at what ever cost.
You sir say that the people of Palestine are not immune from the violence they start , well sir I say The people of Palestine have a right to defend themselves, they have rights that everyone has under international laws and other resolutions that were passed and Israel is not immune for the violence they have created and if you look at history every great nation has fallen such as USSR , Israel will have it's day just like America will have it's day.
For the sake of many I hope it soon!