Wednesday, March 5

Arabica: Thursday on Current Issues live from Gaza with Mohammed Omar

Current Issues TV

Join us tomorrow evening at 8:00 PM
Central with Mohammed Omar, Gaza
correspondent for the Washington
for a live update of the situation in
Gaza and to report on the mass murder
" Holocaust" that took place in
Gaza last week.
Armed with his camera and the
determination to tell his people's story
to the World in the hope that one day
people with good conscious will break
the silence and stop the cold blooded
murder of Palestinian children by
the Jewish army.

Omar--'I found arms and legs and
fingers scattered in the streets
everywhere…burned flesh in the streets
with children and kids and women.
So far, 130 Palestinians were killed
in the last few days.

Out of 130, there are thirty-nine children,
ten women, in addition to 370 children
who were injured in the past few days.
35 percent of those cases were injured
in the head and the upper side of the body,
making the whole situation at Kamal Adwan
hospital quite difficult for the ambulance
crews to deal with…
Right now, I can see some ambulances.
They are collecting with plastic bags
some remains of human flesh, like arms and
fingers and legs, and mostly children's
and women's. month old.jpg month old.jpgCurrent issues with Hesham

Tillawi can be viewed Live every

Thursday at 8:00 PM Central Standard Time

on Cox Cable system Channel

15 in Louisiana as well as

Live on the Internet at

and can be contacted at The show is
also broadcast on Bridges TV via cable,
satellite, and broadband
and on Amazonas satellite World Wide.
Current Issues the radio
show airs live around the World
on Broadband and shortwave
5.050 and many stations around the U.S.
every Saturday 4-6 PM Central Time on


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