Tuesday, February 5

US massacres continue in Afghanistan: Notice how they're 'always' attributed them to 'coalition forces' when in fact they're USAF B-1B bombers doing t

Often the Afghan terrorists are little
pint sized terrorists, huh America?

More Civilians killed in Afghan

raid by USAF bombers.

HERAT, Afghanistan - A raid by Afghan and
North Atlantic Teaty Organisation (Nato)
troops against Taliban insurgents in southwestern
Afghanistan killed several civilians, among them children,
local officials said today.

Authorities from Farah province gave different
figures for the number of civilians killed
in the raid late yesterday. Officials in Kabul,
including from the NATO force, did not
immediately have information. (Note:
Let's keep the people in the dark, OK America -
this way it won't sound so 'war criminal like').

The strike, involving ground and air forces,
took place in the Bakwa district, which has
seen a series of attacks by fighters with
the Taliban movement, in government
between 1996 and 2001. (Note:
Justification for the massacre, pure and simple).

The governor of Bakwa district said that
two women and three children were
among the dead and only one Taliban
fighter was killed. "A Taliban commander
had been invited to the house,"
(Note: Conjecture always works when you're
not too sure as to why you dropped the
bombs on the victims) said Khan Agha.
"In the operation nine people were killed,
which includes two women and three kids."
The rest were civilian men.

But provincial governor Ghulam Mohaidun
Balouch said that out of 10 people killed in
the raid on a Taliban "cell" most were rebels.
"Among the 10, eight are Taliban plus
the wife of the commander and his child,"
he said. (Note: Yeah, Yeah, let's
keep 'piling it on,' why doncha - LIARS!).

Balouch said Italian NATO troops, who are
based in the nearby province of Herat,
were involved but this was not immediately
confirmed by the alliance's International
Security Assistance Force. (Note:
It's like, we weren't the 'only' killers, involved).

The issue of civilian casualties in military
operations against Taliban insurgents is
one of the most sensitive aspects
of the international effort in Afghanistan
as the US continues to use its B-1B
'Lancer' bomber to destroy entire
villages and their inhabitants in order to
avoid US casualties which are difficult to
explain to the 'war weary' US taxpayer.

Comment: And to think all
this killing is so UNOCAL
can build its oil/gas lines
through Afghanistan


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