Wednesday, February 20

Today in Palestine! ~ Headlines February 20, 2008 ~

Brought to you by Shadi fadda
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98 Palestinian patients, including
17 Children, die due to the Gaza siege

Palestinian medical sources announced on Tuesday
evening that one child died at a Gaza hospital after the
Israeli Authorities barred his transfer to a hospital
abroad for further medical treatment as the siege on
Gaza continued to cripple all hospitals in the coastal region.

The Israeli army kills a 10 year
old boy in central Gaza

A Palestinian child was shot and killed when
the Israeli army opened fire at Palestinian homes located
in the central Gaza strip city of Dier Al Balah on Tuesday evening.

Palestinians: Child killed in
IDF operation in Gaza

Sources in Gaza say 10 year-old boy killed after IDF
force clashes with Hamas gunmen in Khan Younis area;
IDF says unaware of any child casualties.

Report: IOF troops killed more than 195
Palestinians at military checkpoints

The international Tadamun (solidarity) society for
human rights revealed that IOF troops had killed
more than 195 Palestinians at military checkpoints
spread in Gaza Strip and the West Bank since the
beginning of the Aqsa Intifada in September 2000 as a
result of its arbitrary measures especially against
patients and elderly people.

Israel detains dozens of Gazans

The Israeli military says it has taken about 80
Palestinians to Israel for questioning following a
ground operation in the Gaza Strip.

Israelis seize 12 Palestinians in West Bank
Israeli troops arrested 12 Palestinians, including an
Islamist militant, during an incursion into the West
Bank town of Tulkarem on Wednesday, Palestinian
security sources said.

Hamas arrests suspect in 'plot' to kill Haniya
The Hamas-run interior ministry in the Gaza Strip on
Wednesday said it had arrested a former Palestinian
intelligence agent involved in a plot to assassinate
dismissed prime minister Ismail Haniya. Senior Hamas
leader Said Siam said last month his forces had foiled a
plot by a would-be suicide bomber from president
Mahmud Abbas's secular Fatah party who planned to
assassinate Haniya at Friday prayers.

Sit-in continues in E Jerusalem in spite of
settler attacks and police complicity

Recent days in East Jerusalem have witnessed a
noticeable increase in land confiscation, home
demolitions and the ensuing settlement expansion.
A nonviolent protest is underway, with dozens sitting-in
in a tent erected in the city.

Palestinian man critically wounded as he
was attacked by loose pigs from
a nearby Israeli settlement

Pigs that belong to settlers from the Israeli settlement
of Areil near Salfit in the West Bank attacked a Palestinian
elderly man and critically injured him. The man is still
receiving medical treatment in the hospital for the past 10 days.

Israeli military kidnaps
two brothers near Tulkarem

Israeli forces invaded early on Wednesday 'Ateel
town, north of Tulkarem in the West Bank and
kidnapped two brothers.

OPT: Attack on Christian library in Gaza
prompts heightened security fears

A recent attack on a Christian library in the Gaza
Strip has caused concern among civil society
organisations that such violence might escalate
unless police arrest the perpetrators.

Salah Eldin brigades claims its fighters wounded
Israeli soldiers in southern Gaza

The Salah Eldin brigades, the armed wing of the popular
resistance committees said Wednesday it clashed with an
Israeli army undercover force near the Kussofim
military post to the south of Gaza Strip.

Gaza medical situation heads for disaster
With heartbreak, Muoen al-Wadia, a Palestinian father
of six, looks at his amputated leg in his room at al-Shifa
hospital in Gaza City in northern Gaza Strip. His sons
and daughters are standing by, woefully looking at him.
On Jan. 15, the 48-year-old mechanic was at his workshop
in southeastern Gaza City where Israeli tanks operated nearby.

Egypt To Keep Supplies Flowing
Into Gaza Despite Israeli Blockade

Egypt's ambassador to the United States said that
his country will not allow Gaza to be cut off from
the outside world. Nabil Fahmy, told the Palestine
Center in Washington that the North African nation
will make efforts to keep the border open and allow
for supplies to enter the small Mediterranean strip of land.

UNRWA Commissioner
-General's statement

60 years later - The challenge of Palestine refugee
camps within their Arab host communities.

IRAQ: No solution in sight for Palestinian
refugees stranded at border

Source: IRIN Palestinian refugees trapped in three
makeshift camps along the Iraqi-Syrian border are
living in very precarious conditions and their situation
is deteriorating by the day, a senior Palestinian
diplomat said on 18 February.

Olmert –Abass met in J'lem, Livni: "Israel
shouldn't play any role in the refugees issue"

Following the Abbas-Olmert Tuesday meeting in
Jerusalem, Israeli Foreign Minister, head of the Israeli
Negotiations Team, Tzipi Livni, stated that Israel should
not play any role in resolving the issue
of the Palestinian refugees.

Netanyahu Calls for
'Disproportionate Force'

Opposition leader and former Prime Minister Binyamin
Netanyahu advocated the use of "disproportionate force"
against the terror from Gaza in his speech before the
5th annual Jerusalem Conference Wednesday.
Netanyahu called the 2005 Disengagement from Gaza
and Prime Minister Ehud Olmert's statement that it
had been a success, "a kind of total disengagement from reality."

GCC condemns Israeli massacres
against the Palestinian people

Secretary General of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC)
Abdel Rahman Al-Attiyah on Tuesday condemned the
carnage and the massacres carried out by Israeli forces
in the Gaza Strip against the Palestinian people, describing
these acts of aggressiveness and impartial humanitarian.

Real story behind the Gaza siege

ISRAEL has dramatically intensified its military
campaign in the Gaza Strip, stepping up air strikes and
shelling of the beleaguered coastal strip. UN officials
and human rights advocates warn that Gazans now
face a humanitarian disaster of unprecedented magnitude
with widespread disease and famine rapidly becoming
reality as electricity generation, water supply, sewage
treatment, food supplies and medical services grind to a
halt as a consequence of the ever tighter Israeli blockade.

Abbas cool to aide's call for Kosovo-
like declaration of statehood

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, responding to
an aide's call on Wednesday for a unilateral declaration
of statehood if peace talks with Israel continued to falter,
ruled out taking any such step soon. "We will pursue
negotiations in order to reach a peace agreement during
2008 that includes the settlement of all final status issues
including Jerusalem," Abbas said in a statement.

Despite PM's pledge, Israel
still building in West Bank

A new neighborhood comprising 27 trailers is
currently under construction at the settlement of Eli,
north of Ramallah, even though Prime Minister Ehud
Olmert vowed publicly after the Annapolis conference
that any such building would cease.

Republican Senator Tells
Olmert Not to Give Up Jerusalem

Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert is getting some
free advice from a U.S. conservative senator on
issues that go to the heart of the peace process.
"Don't give up Jerusalem," Sen. Sam Brownback
(R-Kan.) said he told Olmert when he met with him on Monday.

Israel, US discuss deploying
NATO troops in West Bank

he United States is reviewing the feasibility of deploying
a NATO force in the West Bank as a way to ease IDF
security concerns and facilitate an Israeli withdrawal
from the area within the coming years, defense officials
have told The Jerusalem Post.

EU Envoy slams Israel for
not easing West Bank restrictions

The European Union Ambassador to Israel, Ramiro
Cibrian-Uzal, criticized Israel on Monday for not
easing the restrictions on the occupied West Bank,
and added that Israel should have more faith in
the Palestinian Authority.

Acting PLC head demands Abbas to
stop meetings with Israeli officials

Dr. Ahmad Bahar, acting head of the Palestinian
Legislative Council (PLC), demanded the Palestinian
President, Mahmoud Abbas, to stop all meetings with
the Israeli side, and stated that these meeting are
giving Israel more reasons to continue the attacks
and siege against the Palestinian people.

Olmert: We didn't discuss
Jerusalem; Palestinians: Yes we did

Prime minister says Jerusalem wasn't
discussed during Tuesday's meeting with
Abbas; Palestinian version completely different.

Netanyahu: Olmert government
taking measures to cede Jerusalem

Likud leader and chairman of the opposition
MK Benjamin Netanyahu said Wednesday that
the Olmert government is taking measures to
divide Jerusalem, and urged the key Shas party
to bolt the coalition and topple the government
in order "to save Jerusalem."

Hamas lawmakers convene
Palestinian Legislative Council in Gaza

Hamas lawmakers convened the Palestinian
Legislative Council (PLC) on Tuesday for the first
time this year in the Gaza Strip. The legislators
unanimously reaffirmed support for a law, passed by
the Hamas-controlled chamber last year, that
prohibits the surrender of Jerusalem as
the capital of Palestine.

PLC criminalizes any
relinquishing of Jerusalem

The PLC unanimously approved on Tuesday in its
second reading a bill criminalizing and prohibiting
the relinquishing of Jerusalem and referred it in
accordance with article 70 of basic law to PA chief
Mahmoud Abbas for approval.
According to the same article of basic law, if the bill
is not responded to during a legal period of one month,
it becomes legally binding and will be published in the official journal.

The Hamas-led government slams
a new decision to sell lands to foreigners

The deposed Hamas government in Gaza
slammed Wednesday a latest decision by the
care-taker government to sell
state-owned lands to foreigners.

Up in smoke
Even Fayyad admits there are no peace prospects,
reports Khaled Amayreh from the West Bank.
Visibly frustrated Palestinian officials have been
speaking of Israel's "lack of will" to reach a genuine
final-status settlement that would end the
40-year-old Israeli occupation of the West Bank,
East Jerusalem and Gaza Strip.

Report: IDF general dodged
U.K. arrest as police feared shootout

An Israel Defense Forces general escaped
arrest for alleged war crimes at London's Heathrow
airport in 2005 because U.K. police feared an arrest
would spark a shootout with Israeli security officials,
the BBC reported Tuesday. Major General (res.)
Doron Almog, planning to visit Jewish communities
in the U.K., refused to deplane for two hours, after
receiving a warning from the Israeli embassy of the
imminent arrest. He then returned to Israel.
Palestinian groups had pressed U.K. authorities to
arrest Almog over his alleged role in the destruction
of more than 50 homes in the Gaza Strip in 2002,
prompting a British judge to issue an arrest warrant.

Papers reveal how alleged
war criminal escaped UK arrest

Speaking days after avoiding the arrest, Almog told
the Guardian he was advised not to leave the plane
by the cabin crew. "I don't know how he
[the military attache] found out but I am glad he did.
It was also fortunate that I was flying with El Al
as they are loyal. I don't know what would have
happened if I had been on a British Airways.

If the land isn't private?
Not long ago the greengrocer in Ramallah recalled -
between weighing locally grown zucchini and stripped
hyssop leaves - that his family owns the land on which
the gas station at the old entrance to the Jewish
settlement of Beit El in the West Bank is located.
He would not be surprised by the figure that the
Peace Now movement has succeeded in officially
extracting from the defense establishment, after more
than a year of fighting for the freedom of information:
About one-third of the Jewish settlements in the West
Bank (44 out of 120) were built on privately owned
Palestinian land that was seized, by means of
confiscation orders, for "security needs."

London School of Economics
student union votes for divestment

The London School of Economics Students' Union
(LSESU) on 14 February voted overwhelmingly to
call on its university and the National Union of
Students (NUS) to divest from companies that
provide military and commercial support for the
Israeli occupation of Palestinian land, condemning
the decades of human rights abuses and systematic
oppression that has occurred as a result.

Boycott group to UNESCO:
Protect heritage of all cultures

The following is an open letter sent to
Director-General of UNESCO Koichiro
Matsuura on 14 February 2008

For Palestinians, the power of
mass non-violence would be undeniable

Now that Fidel Castro has taken the carriage clock,
international affairs has all too few fixed points of
continuity. Her Majesty the Queen is still in place.
The King of Thailand has been on the throne since
1946. Otherwise one has to turn to the Middle East
for reassurance that some things never change.
Fly-by-nights like Castro may come and go, but the
Israel-Palestine conflict will, it seems, always be with us.

Imad Mughniyeh Assassination Why now?

Image is everything in new terror game. Normally,
this kind of stuff - targeted assassinations, bombings
both by suicide and by airplane, military raids, etc - is
confined to Israel and the Israeli-occupied Palestinian
territories, although it frequently reaches into Lebanon
and much less often into Jordan. For it to happen in the
Syrian capital, however, means that the rules have changed.

German professors: No more
preferential treatment for Israel

In debate held at Netanya Academic College,
professors state modern day Germany 'has paid its
debt in full to the Jewish people'.


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