Monday, February 25

New for 2008 - Introducing Birthright Palestine!

Birthright Palestine is a
unique program
by native

Palestinians for Diaspora Palestinians, so as to assimilate
them back into their homeland via cultural immersion.
It is meant to gather first-generation, western-born Palestinians
(over the age of 18-years old) in their ancestral homeland,
so that they can reunite and witness firsthand how their
brethren are living under illegal Israeli military occupation,
while assimilating them into Palestinian society.

The program is made-up of four major components, education,
tourism, hospitality, and volunteering, and was created to maintain
Palestinian unity on an international level and to make foreign-born
Palestinians feel at home in their homeland.

The First Annual Birthright Palestine program is to launch this
summer, marking the 60th Anniversary of Al-Nakba, and is
meant to counter the effects of Birthright Israel, which over
the years has brought thousands of Jewish people from
around the world to 'Israel' in order to encourage their
adoption of Zionist ideals and learn about their 'promised
land' – many of participants end up becoming Israeli
citizens and illegal settlers.

Moreover, Birthright Palestine will allow for the
international Palestinian community, largely living in
exodus, to become more closely knit, because this
program will nurture relationships between participants of
Palestinian ethnic origin whom were born in different countries
around the world, as well as relationships between Diaspora-born
and native-born Palestinians. Also, an exchange of ideas will take
place, as local Palestinians will begin to better understand the
situation of Diaspora Palestinians and vice versa – possibly
leading to a cohesive consensus on core issues of
importance to the Palestinian Nation.

Here are ten reasons why you should join!
Click here to sign up now!

Who are we?

The concept was created by the Palestine Center for
National Strategic Studies (PCNSS) is a new, non-profit,
non-violent, non-factional, non-governmental organizational
think tank based out of the Dheisheh Refugee Camp that
facilitates student-based research guided by PhD mentors,
so as to force Palestinian college students to be more
critical of national political and socio-economic policies.
Thus, we are primarily fueled by youth, specifically students.
We also host and accommodate foreign researchers in
conducting their studies in Palestine, and conduct social
experiments of our own in the form of projects.

What you can do to help:

Forward this e-mail to as many
Diaspora Palestinians as possible,
circulate our flyer at your local events and
spread the word!

For more information:

Log onto:


Call: +972-2-274-6955


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