Thursday, February 14

The Jewish defence League of Canada is back again....

The Jewish Defence League of Canada is back – again. The on-again, off-again organization had 50 JDL members along with supporters from other Jewish organizations, had a vigil last week at Ryerson University to protest an Israel Apartheid Week (IAW) event.

JDL members handed out leaflets and attempted to turn the tables on IAW organizers, trying to make Israel look good. (No such luck the world already knows about the daily crimes of Israel going back more then 60 years. Calling Israel the Apartheid State is the nice way of calling it I have words worse then that!) .

In addition to protesting anti-Israel events – earlier, the group picketed outside the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE) during an appearance by anti-Zionist speaker Norman Finkelstein – JDL monitors various organizations on the Internet and “we have moles in anti-Israeli groups to gather more information,” Weinstein said. loool if one of these moles is monitoring this blog, I got two words for ya - go fuck yourself along with the JDL.

The JDL seems to have a heart on for people to
recognize Israel. believe me we all recognize that Israel is there, the Palestinians know and feel it only too well each and every day as the world watches on while the Israeli crimes committed against the people of Palestine. The world has been watching for the past 60 years as Israel tries and move the remaining Palestinians out or just kill them after they torture them and commit every other crime on the books against them. The question is when will the world wake up and shut down this monster called the state of Israel.

What does the JDL do defend Jews or defend Israel? If they are trying to defend Israel well sorry to say that's a lost cause if there was ever any. If they are defending Jews while they need to go join in with other groups and speak out against the murderous state of Israel.

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