Wednesday, February 20

Egypt To Keep Supplies Flowing Into Gaza Despite Israeli Blockade

Joseph Mayton -

Cairo, Egypt - Egypt's ambassador to the United States
said that his country will not allow Gaza to be cut off from
the outside world. Nabil Fahmy, told the Palestine Center
in Washington that the North African nation will make
efforts to keep the border open and allow for supplies
to enter the small Mediterranean strip of land.

"You cannot punish the people of Gaza if you happen to
differ with those who control Gaza," Fahmy told the
American-based think tank. "We in Egypt will not support
the starvation of the Palestinian people," he added.

Israel is continuing its blockade on Gaza, which they say
is a last resort to force an end to rocket attacks on Israeli
territory by Hamas and other militant groups.

Hamas took complete control of Gaza last year after a
bloody struggle with fellow Palestinian party Fatah,
eventually forcing out their Palestinian rivals.

The ambassador continued to say that Egypt plans on
continuing to allow supplies to reach Gaza through the
Rafah Border Crossing in Sinai. Fahmy added that Cairo
is working closely with Israel, Hamas, the Palestinian
Authority as well as the United States and Europe in
order to decrease the struggles of Gazans.


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