Sunday, January 20

The victims of a most-dubious-victim

the first victim
the mother of that next-victim
the grand-mother of today's "Terrorist"
Do not blame the victims of Israel
they never wanted a State of Israel.
The State of Israel has made far more victims,
than itself was ever (allegedly) made out of any other victims.......
Do not blame the victims , they never had any armies.
Do not blame the Arabs ,neither,
they never voted for any Israel,
France and England and the USA did......
Do not blame me ,
I only saw and counted the victims, in my home-town.....
all my youth.......and all my life, too.
Do not blame the victims
because they do not equate to their oppressors
nor did they ever do the same deeds .
Do not blame that Terrorist, neither,
because they have left him no other choice !!
Blame that invader , he has started it !!
Raja Chemayel

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