Tuesday, January 22

Reports from Palestine See Video Also

1- Bilin
Three injured in the weekly Bil'in Nonviolent action
Friday January 18, 2008
The villagers of Bil'in located near the Central West
Bank city of Ramallah, along with their international
and Israeli supporters
conducted their weekly demonstration
against the illegal Israeli wall
on Friday.

The theme of this week's demonstration was
calling on the international community to force
Israeli to stop its deadly attacks on
Palestinians, especially in the Gaza Strip.
As is the case each week
the protesters marched from the village centre
towards the
construction of the illegal wall
Israel is building on the village land.

As soon as the protestors reached a barricade set up
by the Israeli soldiers just outside the village,
Israeli troops fired tear gas and
rubber coated metal bullets on the unarmed
protesters injuring three
of them. Among those injured was
Ibraheem Burnat one of the
coordinators of the Popular Resistance
against the Wall and Settlement
Committee in the village of Bil'in.
Meanwhile near Ramallah, villagers from
several villages east of
Ramallah along with international and
Israeli peace activists
protested at the settler road known as
443 that cuts through those
villages. Troops attacked the protesters
with tear gas and several
people suffered gas inhalation injuries and
were moved to a nearby
medical center for treatment.

For more information:
The Bilin Friends of freedom and Justice -society
Email: majdarmajdar@yahoo.com
Tel: 972 547 847 942
http://www. Ffj-bilin.org

2- Al-Khader- Bethlehem
Scores protest the illegal Israeli Wall near Bethlehem
About 200 Palestinians and their international and Israeli supporters
protested the illegal Israeli Wall being built on the lands of Al
Khader village south of Bethlehem city in the southern part of the
West Bank.
The protest started with the Friday prayers that were conducted at the
nearby Al Nashahs Israeli army checkpoint just outside the village.
Later the protesters marched towards the checkpoint carrying flags and
banners demanding the halt of the construction of the illegal wall
that Israel is building on their land and the immediate end to the
attacks in the Gaza Strip.

Israeli troops stopped the march from going through the checkpoint and
prevented journalists from taking photos.

Short speeches in Arabic and English were delivered by the organizers
of the protest and the protest ended shortly thereafter. No
confrontation with the soldiers was reported.

For more information:
Samer Jaber : sam_2056@yahoo.com

For daily news from Palestine http://www.imemc.org

George S. Rismawi
Siraj, Center For Holy Land Studies
Beit Sahour, Schoold Street
P.O.Box 48
Email: george@sirajcenter.org
Website: http://www.sirajcenter.org
Tel: +972 2 274 8590
Fax: +972 2 274 8774
Mobile: 0599 180 872
USA number: 1 425 906 5084

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