Sunday, January 6

Please Help Us Defend Freedom Of Speech In Lebanon And "The New Middle East" .

To the Editor ,

We write to denounce the lawsuit against Samah Idriss and Al-Adab by Fakhri Karim, editor of Al-Mada.

We know Idriss well from his years of activism in support of the Palestinian and Lebanese people while studying in the U.S. We highly respect his work in a variety of fields: literary, cultural, publishing and political. He is resolute in his fight for free speech, critical thinking, and opposition to forces seeking to restrict these rights.

In his recent writing and activist work, Idriss stands behind the right to self-determination of the Iraqi people while reiterating the same for Palestinians, and continues to fight for equal rights for all Lebanese. Karim's actions are especially disconcerting given his position as advisor to Jalal Talabani, the current Iraqi President.

We must be suspicious of a lawsuit infringing on free speech especially when undertaken by an intellectual connected to a government elected under occupation.
We consider Karim's lawsuit an attack on the rights of all Lebanese, as well as Arabs, to express themselves. It is also an attempt to intimidate those who dare speak out, following the example of Samah Idriss.

As opponents of the U.S. and Israeli aggression against peoples of the Middle East, we believe Karim's actions will play into the hands of the occupiers, both in Iraq and Palestine.

Therefore we demand Fakhri Karim drop his law suit, out of respect for his own people, and if nothing else, in the name of the million Iraqis who have lost their lives so far.

to sign this letter that Adalah-NY is sending to three Lebanese papers (al-Akhbar, al-Nahar, al-Safir) , in support of Samah Idriss. please send an email to


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