Monday, January 28

Gaza: Genocide and Media Lies

Mary Sparrowdancer

During this past week, Israeli military forces
invaded civilian villages trapped within Gaza’s
closed borders with tanks, helicopters, warplanes,
and drones, massacring 39 and wounding over 100,
including scores of unarmed children, babies and
women. Israel says this is punishment for the
homemade Qassam rockets fired this week
toward Sderot.

The total number of Israelis killed by these
Qassams was Zero.

The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) headlines on January 18th,
based on a story from the Associated Press (AP), state,
“Israel Temporarily Closes Gaza Border Crossings.”
This is a wildly misleading statement. Israel has had
the Gaza borders sealed off since 2000, trapping
the 1.5 million civilians living in the Gaza Strip as
prisoners in their own homes.

Completely trapped, they cannot escape the wrath
or whims of the Israeli military. Empowered by
its massive and brutal military, Israel has been
systematically ethnically cleansing
Palestine of native Palestinians for 60 years now.

What Israel has been doing and continues to do to
the Palestinians, especially those it has trapped
without mercy inside Gaza, is full-blown genocide
but Israel is getting away with murder due to
misinformation continuously sold to the public as
“news.” (1) (2)

The long-closed border crossings surrounding
Gaza have been keeping Gaza residents in a state
of misery and poverty for years. In 2007,
Israel began an escalated denial of food and
other necessary supplies to Gaza after Israel
declared the civilian population of Gaza to be a
“hostile entity.”

The WSJ/AP article then creates a masterful
soft-pedaling of Israeli atrocities by stating,
“Palestinians living in Gaza have had to live
without some foodstuffs and basic supplies like
spare car parts and computer paper.”
The truth, however, is far from the laughable
“spare car parts” line. The truth is not laughable.
It is horrifying.

The truth is that the Israeli government has refused
to allow the following supplies into Gaza: bottled water,
food, soap, medical supplies, medications, anesthesia
for its growing number of sick and injured, paper,
emergency relief funds from abroad, simple care
packages, adequate supplies from the UN, winter
clothing, electricity, fuel, postal service
(US Postal Workers in Tallahassee told me,
“there is no Palestine”), cement to repair the numerous
Palestinian refugee homes repeatedly bombed and
demolished by Israel tanks and warplanes
(and a lot of cement is very badly needed as much
of Gaza is in ruins), and even batteries for the
growing number of hearing aids now needed by
those who are shellshocked in Gaza. At this time,
there is no clean water in Gaza, nor is there adequate
fuel or electricity. (3)

Regarding the outright genocide and humanitarian
catastrophe now taking place in Gaza, the WSJ/AP
article reassures the reader that there is nothing to
worry about, stating that according to Israeli
spokesman Shlomo Dror, “Gazans had enough
food that no one would go hungry.” Further seeking
to reassure us, Mr. Dror gives the following statement:
“There is a government decision that there will not be
a humanitarian crisis in Gaza.” Mr. Dror, however,
speaks of the future while ignoring the past and the
misery of the present, leaving one to wonder at what
point the Israelis will view the collective punishment
of 1.5 million thirsty, hungry, and increasingly homeless
civilians as a “humanitarian crisis.” Gross increases of
malnutrition were noted as early as 2002 due to the
continuing Israeli border closure and denial of adequate
food to these civilians, many of whom are refugees
forced off their other Palestinian lands taken from
them by Israel. According to the World Food Program,
anemia rates due to malnutrition have now risen to
over 77%. (4)

In addition to the Gaza civilians being made homeless
and collectively punished by starvation, thirst and
Israeli-imposed filth and neglect, during the past
few months over 70 medical patients have needlessly
perished while awaiting medical treatment, because
the Israeli government denied them permission to
pass through Gaza’s completely closed borders. (5)

There are many ways to decimate unarmed, or
primitively armed native populations when a brutally
armed military force desires to move in and take their
land away from them. For the past 60 years, Zionist
Israel has used many methods in an attempt to drive
the Palestinians from their ancestral lands. Among those
methods is repeated, total destruction of their property.

As the Israeli military continues to drive Palestinians
from their land, Zionist Israel has also depended on its
worldwide mainstream presses to hide all of the rather
shocking details from the general public, as well as from
their own Israeli citizens. Many Israelis do not know
that each of the Jewish-only “settlements” dotting the
Palestinian countryside has been illegally built upon
land forcefully taken from the Palestinians without
compensation. Not a single settlement can be built
unless further land is again forcefully taken from
the Palestinian owners. This has been easily done,
however, because only the military aggressor who
covets this land is armed with tanks, warplanes,
and other sophisticated equipment.

The real information detailing what is going on
in Gaza and the rest of Palestine will not be easily
found in mainstream media. The majority of the
mainstream media brings us “news” written in such
a way that it is unfairly biased in favor of the Zionist
aggressors, while downplaying or completely
dismissing the slaughter of Palestinians by continuously
referring to these victims as “terrorists,” “armed
militants,” or “wanted.”

Independent journalists, on the other hand, appear
to have taken the investigation of world events far
more seriously. They tend to try and find the truth
via firsthand accounts, which they then share with
the world. One such independent, freelance journalist
is Sarah Price. Sarah, who is based in Los Angeles,
visited Gaza in October, 2007, to see for herself what
was happening there.

At the time of her visit last October, special arrangements
had to be made in order for her to cross the borders that
continue to be closed and guarded by the Israeli military.
Once inside the closed borders, she saw the grim reality of
everyday life in Gaza. She heard the constant noise of the
Israeli military presence, she saw the children smiling
one moment and panic-stricken the next following Israeli
air strikes. She saw the truth about the food situation that
Israel is now trying to hide from the world’s eyes. The
vendors in the markets had only rotting and spoiled fruits
to sell, but none of it was discarded. (6) “It will still be
gone in an hour,” Sarah quotes physician and human
rights advocate, Dr. Mona El-Farra, as saying,
“because they have to eat something.” (7)

With the borders tightly closed and no one able to
easily see what the Israeli military is doing, during
the past week Israeli forces comprised of tanks, warplanes
and helicopters invaded again civilian refugee villages in
Gaza, destroying more buildings and homes, while also
massacring 39 innocent men women and children.
In addition, over 100 civilians were wounded, a large
percentage of them children, compounding problems
for both patients and hospitals, due to Israeli denial
of medical supplies.

As the Israeli Apache choppers and warplanes roared
over Gaza Strip targeting homes at random as well as
shelling a wedding party in which one woman was killed
and scores of children were injured, an Israeli drone flew
off on its own mindless mission, and without conscience
or warning it singled out and slaughtered a mother and
her two sons who were riding home on a donkey cart
carrying oranges. Medical personnel had trouble identifying
these victims from the fragments and pieces that were left
by the vicious drone attack. (8)

According to WSJ/AP, the latest announcement of
“temporary” border closing and air strikes are due to
“recent rocket barrages” fired toward the southern
Israeli town of Sderot. (Sderot is built upon the
Palestine village of Nadj.) The WSJ/AP article goes on
to quote ministry spokesman Shlomo Dror again, this
time saying, “It’s time that Hamas decide to either fight
or take care of its population,’ he said. ‘It’s unacceptable
that people in Sderot are living in fear every day and
people in the Gaza Strip are living life as usual.”

One wonders what “life as usual” must be like for the
1.5 million hungry prisoners of Gaza. One also might
wonder what sort of weaponry Mr. Dror expects the
Hamas to use as he challenges the Hamas to fight the
Israeli military. The Palestinians have no access to
tanks, Blackhawks, Apaches, drones, blimps, F-16s,
armored vehicles, gunboats, or nuclear weapons, all
of which are possessed by Israel. What does Mr.
Dror expect the Hamas to fight with against the
massive Israeli army, navy, and air force?

The “recent rocket barrage” that Mr. Dror referred
to resulted in no Israeli deaths. In fact, the Qassams rarely
result in injuries or extensive property damage. Israeli
“Defense” Minister, Yaakov Toran, is quoted as saying,
“...we need to remember that Qassams are more a
psychological than physical threat. Statistically they
cause the fewest losses... ” And yet, it is the Palestinians
who are constantly referred to as “terrorists” by the
mainstream press. Nearly every day, those who are
armed with rifles and the boys throwing stones at
tanks and armored vehicles are referred to as “militants,”
or “terrorists,” while the criminally aggressive Israeli
military with its arsenal of weapons is referred to as a
“defense” force trying to protect itself from
“Palestinian terrorists.” (9)

The fact is, Israel is committing atrocities and
war crimes because it can do so with its extravagant
armed forces, funded and made possible by US dollars.
Israel is a military force from which the civilians of Gaza
cannot adequately defend themselves, and it is a military
force that is randomly attacking civilians without regard
for the fact that the large majority are unarmed, or are
armed only with stones. It is a military force that
considers boys who throw stones at armored tanks as
“militants” deserving death or imprisonment.

Israeli citizens who do learn the truth about the stark
suffering and loss of all human rights in Gaza and the
West Bank are usually horrified at the conditions.
They form groups, they protest, they write, and they
march in solidarity with the Palestinian refugees.
One such group is Gush Shalom. They are planning to
assemble a Convoy of trucks carrying water filter
s and other supplies desperately needed in Gaza.
Their Convoy will go to one of the Israeli checkpoints
along the GazaGaza so that they may deliver the needed
goods to the Palestinians waiting on the other side of
the fence. When I read about this planned convoy, I
sent a donation to help purchase supplies. I sent it to
the Eschaton Foundation, Resource Center for
Nonviolence, which is accepting donations in the US
for the Gush Shalom Convoy.

(10) border on January 26th, 2008. There,
the assembled people of the Convoy will stand not as
Jews or Christians, or Muslims, or anything else that
separates one group from another. They will stand together
as human beings and ask the Israeli guards for
permission to cross into.

Yesterday, I received a thank you letter from Eschaton,
and in the envelope was a charming little card with pressed
flowers on it. The card read, “Flowers from Palestine.”
I touched the delicate flower petals that had somehow
endured their journey from Palestine to Eschaton in
California, and from there to my home in Florida, still
intact. The petals seemed to suggest there might be a
simple and enduring way out of this terrible situation in
the Holy Land. Turning the card over, I read the
message on the back. “We don’t want you to bring the
Israelis to their knees, but to bring them to their senses.
We believe in restorative justice: to redress the wrongs
rather than avenge them, (signed) Zoughbi Zoughbi
of Wi’Am, Palestinian Conflict Resolution.
Bethlehem - Palestine.”

Perhaps having spent the day researching the
violence and watching videos of the carnage in Gaza
left me emotionally vulnerable, but when I read this,
I was overwhelmed. Now came the tears that I had
fought back all day long. A flower does indeed have a
far better chance of bringing about enduring peace than
bullets and artillery fire ever will.

I send my best wishes and good luck to the Israeli
Gush Shalom Convoy of compassion. May your
passage be smooth on January 26th, and may this
border be opened to you. I hope the whole world will
be watching. May this day mark the beginning of a
new era, in which many nations will come to their senses
and see that humanity does not need to live in a state
of perpetual violence.

Most importantly, after 60 years of endless suffering,
may the God-given human rights, dignity, and civil
liberties of the Palestinians finally be acknowledged
and honored for the first time.
¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤

Mary Sparrowdancer is an independent journalist
and the author of a bestselling book about the Messiah,
“The Love Song.” Her website, “Help for Palestine,”
can be found here:

Information about her book can be found here: Mary wishes to thank
Sarah Price for her important comments and information
© 2007 Mary Sparrowdancer


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