Monday, January 28


By Mark Glenn

Some 200 Christian Zionist leaders, representing
churches spread throughout America, Europe,
Africa and Asia, gathered in Israelís Knesset to
“beg forgiveness” for 2,000 years of “Christian
persecution” of Jews.

The well publicized ceremony took place under the
auspices of the “Knesset Christian Allies Caucus,”
just one of a growing number of partnerships
springing up in recent years between organized
Jewish and Christian Zionist groups for the purpose
of funneling Christian money and political support
toward Israel. Part of the statement reads as follows:

“On behalf of millions of Christians, we repent
before you for crimes committed against the
Jewish people throughout history in the name of
Christianity.…We have sinned against God and against

To you we owe much.… Through you, God gave us the
Holy Scriptures, and because of this we have a heritage,
a destiny, a hope and a compass for living.…
What a treasure you are in the sight of our God!
You are His chosen and the apple of His eye.…”

But despite the fact that Israel was built
(and continues to live)
off of handouts from Christian countries—
principally the U.S.
and Germany—
and for all the inherent groveling and
breast-beating that this mea culpa was meant to convey,
it obviously did not “cut the mustard” in improving
Christian/Jewish relations in Israel, the birthplace of
Jesus Christ and the 2,000-year-old religion
created in His name.

Besides the fact that Israel has now become a haven
for international gangsters—meaning rampant
prostitution, drugs, human trafficking and money
laundering to name a few—there are other indicators
surrounding Israel’s political and social character
as well that show she is anything but friendly to
the morals and precepts of Christian teachings.
Christian churches that were not taxed are now
being sent heavy bills. Media outlets featuring
Christian programming on television and radio
are having their license renewal applications rejected.

More telling though is the fact that physical attacks on
Christians, their symbols and institutions continue in
Israel unabated, and not by “Islamo-fascists”
(so much discussed by the likes of Norman Podhoretz,
Daniel Pipes, John Hagee, Bill O’Reilly, et al.) but
rather by a more fanatical sect that has nursed a
hatred for Christianity since its inception, the
people who collectively call themselves “the
Israelites” and whom Christians are told to “bless.”

Pastor Hagee has been an avid supporter
of the state Israel since his first visit there
in 1978. “I went to Israel as a tourist and returned
home a committed Zionist,” he said. His
book says that Jesus did not come to Earth to
be the Messiah. In what appears to be a growing
trend these days, physical attacks on Christians,
their churches and symbols are beginning to
show a marked rise in Israel.

For nearly a century, since the invasion of
Palestine began, Christians of all denominations
have suffered bombings, shootings, arsons and
wanton acts of senseless destruction of their sacred properties—
and all of it by a horde
of Marxist/atheist invaders from Eastern Europe
calling themselves
“God’s chosen.” From the moment they arrived—
announcing to the world “We’re baaaack” with all the fanfare
that their grip over the Western media afforded them—
they picked up where their alleged ancestors left off in
attempting to erase the name of the hated Jesus
from the Holy Land.

Mimicking the same kind of behavior their
Bolshevik cousins exhibited during and after the
takeover of Russia and using the “fog of war” as a s
mokescreen for their actions, Christian church properties
have been bulldozed, blown up or burned down on
numerous occasions, all of it chalked up to
“collateral damage.” Since the Jews of Europe
began reconstructing the nation that was destroyed
some 2,000 years ago following the predictions of
Jesus Himself, priests, pastors, nuns, churches,
cemeteries, Bibles, icons, stained-glass widows,
all were all fair game as far as the Zionists were
concerned when it came to maintaining its
exclusively “Jewish character.”

Not long after Israel declared her statehood,
legislation was passed outlawing Christians trying to
convert Jews to the religion of Jesus Christ with a
5-year prison sentence attached for good measure.

Now, no longer limited to impersonal attacks
done in the middle of the night with minimal
chance of being caught, Jews
(and particularly those in Jerusalem, the
city of Jesus’s sham trial and murder by
his enemies) are coming out in the open
now and displaying their ancestral hatred for all
things Christian without any evident fear of what
kind of consequences might follow.

Out-in the-open physical attacks on priests,
pastors, statues and Christian processions by extremist
Jews is now more the norm than the exception.
A recent case involving a Greek Orthodox clergyman
involved a skullcap-wearing elderly Jew tapping on
the window of the clergyman’s car and when the man
opened his window, the Jew spat in his face, something
becoming a daily occurrence in Israel. Only a few days later,
a yeshiva student spat at the cross as it was being carried by
the Armenian archbishop during a procession near
the Church of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem and
did so under the watchful eye of his rabbi, who did
nothing to impede him.

In another recent case, 13 bishops from Austria were
barred from praying at Jerusalem’s Western Wall by
a rabbi who oversees the site. The Christians refused
to remove the crosses around their necks, which the
rabbi considered “insulting.” Other Christians who
have seen the increasingly bold and violent nature
on the part of Israel’s Jews toward them and their
faith in a manner up close and personal say that
during Jewish religious festivals such as Purim
(celebrating the hanging of Haman and the execution
of 75,000 Persians) they stay inside and lock their
doors, fearing their lives are in danger amid a band
of rowdy, drunken and violent Jewish extremists.

One would think that, with all the lecturing taking
place during the last half-century by organized
Jewish groups when it comes to “hatred” and
“intolerance” (not to mention the undeniable
influence these groups have wielded in getting
“hate crimes” legislation passed in most
Christian countries), there would be more
concern paid for this growing trend in the
“headquarters” of Jewish values in the world

With all the fear-mongering to which
Christians are subjected on a daily basis
when it comes to Islam that is inaccurately
portrayed as inherently anti-Christian by
the likes of John Hagee, Pat Robertson, Joseph
Farah and other neo-cons, you would expect
some attention given to this alarming business
taking place in Israel. And yet, not a peep from
any of them. Attacks on Christians by Jews
Increasing in Israel, Palestine

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