Tuesday, December 4



1977, 19 November: Egyptian President, Anwar Sadat, made a surprise visit to Israel.

1977, 16 December: Begin unveiled a Palestinian autonomy plan in Washington, which was integrated into the Camp David Accords.

1978, 14 March: Israel launched Operation Litani and occupied southern Lebanon up to the Litani River.

1978, 5-17 September: A Camp David summit was held between Carter, Sadat, and Begin, which produced the 'Camp David Accords'.

1979, 26 March: A Peace Treaty was signed between Egypt and Israel at the White House.

1980: The Israeli government formally called for the re-establishment of a Jewish quarter in Hebron. Within a few years, Jewish settlers with active official backing occupied several more locations.

1980, 26 May: Ha'aretz carried a warning by the former chief of military intelligence, General Ahron Yariv, that there was a widely held opinion in the IDF that any future war should be exploited to expel up to eight hundred thousand Palestinians from the territories. General Yariv noted that the plans for the 'forced transfer' already existed and the means of implementation had been prepared. Ariel Sharon warned Palestinians that they "should not forget the lessons of 1948".

1980, 30 July: A Basic Law was passed in the Israeli Knesset unilaterally declaring Jerusalem, 'complete and united', as the 'eternal and undivided capital' of Israel.

1981, 7 June: Israel bombed the Iraqi nuclear reactor near Baghdad.

1981, August: Ariel Sharon was appointed as Defence Minister and Menachem Milson was appointed as head of a new 'civilian administration' in the military government.

Milson assumed office on 1 November 1981 and believed that a class of collaborators in the 'territories' could be developed who would participate in the autonomy talks planned at Camp David. He approached Mustafa Dudin of Hebron to organize the rural population in 'Village Leagues' who would accept de facto annexation of the West Bank under the cover of civil administration and autonomy.

The traditional village notables and the rural intelligentsia refused to join the 'Village Leagues', which led to its failure. Sharon decided to use other measures to force the Palestinians to accept autonomy. None of the measures helped to weaken support for the PLO in the occupied territories or to gain support for the Village League puppets.

Sharon concluded that the only way to destroy the will of the Palestinians in the West Bank was to strike at the heart of the PLO in Beirut. This was one of the major objectives of the military operation 'Peace for Galilee' against Lebanon in early June 1982.

The Village Leagues began to disintegrate in 1983. The Hebron League lingered on until its head disbanded it in February 1988 after the outbreak of the Intifada.

1981, 14 December: Israel annexed the Golan Heights.

1982, February: Oded Yinon, a journalist and analyst of Middle Eastern affairs and former senior Foreign Ministry official, wrote an article, which appeared in the WZO's periodical Kivunim, which called for the dissolution and fragmentation of the Arab states.

1982, 26 April: Israeli withdrawal from Sinai was completed.

1982, 3 June: Israeli ambassador Argov was critically wounded in London and Israel used the incident as an excuse to invade Lebanon.

1982, 14 August: Special U.S. envoy Philip Habib concluded an agreement for safe departure of PLO fighters from Beirut. The first group of Palestinian fighters sailed for Cyprus on 21 August and Yassir Arafat left Beirut on 28 August.

1982, 1 September: - In a speech from the oval office in the White House, President Reagan called, among other things, for peace negotiations using the Camp David accords as a convenient framework and for a Palestinian self-government in Gaza and the West Bank in association with Jordan. Reagan also proposed a transitional period of 5 years after which a final solution based on UN Security Council resolution # 242 may be negotiated.

Arab response to Reagan's initiative was positive. Israel rejected the proposals.

1982, 14 September: Bashir Gemayel, who was expected to be sworn as the new Lebanese President, was assassinated in Lebanon following his refusal to sign a Peace Treaty with Israel. In the following day, Israeli forces entered Beirut where the Christian militiamen committed a major massacre in the Palestinian camp of Sabra/Shatila, under IDF sponsorship.

Later on, Israel began withdrawing from Lebanon, leaving a residual force in the border area to support the South Lebanese Army (SLA).

1982, 10 October: At the opening of a new settlement, the Minister of Energy, Mordechai Sippori, indicated why the Israeli government supported colonization of the OPT. He said, "The continuation of settlement is the backbone of the Zionist movement in the West Bank and it is the only means to defeat any peace initiative which is intended to bring foreign rule to Judea and Samaria".

1989: Mass emigration of Jews from the former Soviet Union began. Emigrants were channeled to Israel though most of them preferred to go to the USA.

1989, 16 November: Benjamin Netanyahu told Bar-Ilan University students that the government had failed to exploit internationally favorable situations, such as the Tianamen Square massacre in June 1989 when world attention and the media were focused on China, to carry out 'large-scale' expulsions at a time when "the damage [to Israel's public relations] would have been relatively small... I still believe that there are opportunities to expel many people". Netanyahu later denied making the remarks but the Jerusalem Post presented a tape recording of his speech.

1991, 30 October: The "Middle East Peace Conference" was convened in Madrid to resolve the Israeli-Arab conflict. Israeli PM Shamir later declared that he wanted the negotiations in Washington (following the Madrid conference) to continue for 10 years, if need be, so that he had enough time to keep on going with planned Israeli settlement in the OPT and leave nothing for the negotiations to talk about.

1992, 14 May: Shamir told The Jerusalem Post that the "term 'right of return' is an empty phrase that is utterly meaningless… It will never happen, in any way, shape or form. There is only a Jewish 'right of return' to the land of Israel.

1993, 9 September: Arafat addressed a letter to Rabin recognizing the right of Israel to exist in peace and security and renouncing acts of violence. In response, Rabin signed a letter to Arafat recognizing the PLO as the representative of the Palestinian people. These letters followed the Oslo agreement, which was secretly negotiated between Israel and a group from the Fatah leadership, lead by Mahmoud Abbas and Ahmad Curei.

1993, 13 September: The Declaration of Principles (DOP) was signed between Israel and the PLO at the White House in Washington.

1994, 25 February: Baruch Goldstein opened fire on Muslim worshippers at Haram al-Ibrahimi mosque in Hebron, killing 29 and wounding dozens more.

1996: Binyamin Netanyahu, leader of the Likud party, was elected as Israel's Prime Minister. On 17 June, his office released a statement outlining his government's guidelines with regard to the peace process. It said no to withdrawal from the OPT, no to a Palestinian State, no to an official Palestinian presence in Jerusalem, and no to the refugees' right of return 'to any part of the Land of Israel west of the Jordan River'.

1996, 8 July: Richard Perle, a former head of the Defense Policy Board in the Pentagon, delivered a document to the Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu. Perle, and a team of American neo-cons, had been tasked by Netanyahu to draft a new Israeli strategy that would abrogate the Oslo Accords and overturn the entire concept of 'comprehensive land for peace' in favor of a policy of military conquest and occupation. This document, 'A Clean Break', became the guiding strategic doctrine of the U.S. and Israel.

1996, 25 September: Netanyahu made an order to open a second entrance to an archaeological tunnel close to the al-Aksa Mosque in Jerusalem. The action set off a massive outburst of Palestinian anger and led to a violent and bloody confrontation.


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