Thursday, December 13

The Nakba Calendar 2008

"60 Years of Nakba - The Ongoing Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine"
2008 Calendar

Dear Friends, has just released its 2008 calendar, commemorating the 60th anniversary of the Nakba. This informational and artistic calendar presents the Palestinian issue in 12 pages, each month tackling a topic (see list below). As with our previous calendars, dates of significance to the Palestinian cause are listed, and the calendar is produced and printed in Palestine. The pages are almost poster size (30cm x 43 cm) and are a mixture of art, photos, and text.

This calendar makes the statement that the Nakba wasn't only in 1948, but is ongoing to this very day. It is a valuable advocacy tool, and makes an excellent gift.

The calendar sells for $20 internationally and 50 NIS in Palestine (including the 1948 territory). The calendar is available online, at, for worldwide delivery, as well as at various retail points in Palestine (see list below). Bulk orders are welcome and can be delivered within 5 days to any destination in the world. We encourage solidarity groups to use this as a fundraiser for their work. In addition, 15% of this year's proceeds will be donated to Another Voice's campaign to raise awareness about Israel's siege on Gaza and mobilize action to support our brothers and sisters there.

Sample pages of the calendar are viewable at Please get your copy soon, and we would certainly appreciate your support in publicizing this unique resource to your contacts.

In solidarity,
Haithem El-Zabri

1. Palestine and Palestinians
2. Zionism
3. The British Mandate and the Partition of Palestine
4. 1947-49: Ethnic Cleansing
5. Refugees
6. The 1967 War
7. Occupation
8. Settlements, Checkpoints, and the Wall
9. The "Peace Process"
10. Palestinian Resistance
11. The Right of Return
12. Activist Guide

Outlets in Palestine
Ramallah: A.M. Qattan Foundation Library, Khalil Sakakini Cultural Centre, Salam Gallery, Ziryab Restaurant, Zan Rest. & Pub, Al-Kasaba Theatre & Cinematheque, Turbo Design, Scientific Supplies Center
Jerusalem: Educational Bookshop, American Colony Bookstore, Al Hoash Gallery, Sunbula, Jerusalem Hotel
Bethlehem: Bethlehem Peace Center, Siraj Center for Holy Land Studies


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