Thursday, December 20

40th anniversary of the PFLP

EDITORIAL From Workers World

Workers World Party extends warm fraternal greetings and solidarity to the comrades of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine on the occasion of its 40th anniversary.

Following the brutal Israeli seizure of the West Bank, Gaza, Golan Heights and Sinai in the June 1967 Six-Day War, U.S. imperialism and its Zionist puppets waged a military and propaganda offensive against the Palestinians and all Arab people. Meanwhile, Washington was waging a bloody war against the people of Vietnam and Southeast Asia. This was the context in which the Arab National Movement, founded by Dr. George Habash, and other revolutionary forces united to create the PFLP on Dec. 11, 1967.

The significance of the PFLP’s founding cannot be overstated. Just as the emergence of a revolutionary Marxist-Leninist formation was crucial for the Palestinian people’s national resistance, it also provided an invaluable voice for the Palestinian cause within the global movement of workers and oppressed people. The many militant actions carried out by people’s heroes like Leila Khaled—both within and outside the borders of historic Palestine—continue to inspire generations of anti-imperialist fighters.

Through its program of class struggle, anti-imperialism and national liberation, the PFLP has been a powerful counterweight to the unending din of imperialist lies promoting the Israeli state as a “democratic oasis” rather than the colonialist, racist command post for imperialism that it truly is.

Through many difficult twists and turns of the struggle, both in Palestine, in the Arab world and globally, the PFLP has maintained its revolutionary socialist perspective and never abandoned its goal of seeing all Palestine liberated. The PFLP has consistently maintained its ability to interact, collaborate and give leadership to emerging forces in the national movement, from the difficult days of its founding through the first Intifada, the Oslo period and the Al-Aqsa Intifada.

That proud tradition continues today, with the PFLP’s militant opposition to Bush’s Annapolis “peace conference,” the blatant attempts to break up Palestinian unity, the vicious siege of Gaza and the ongoing campaign of assassination, torture and brutality by the terrorist Israeli state, armed and funded by U.S. imperialism.

WWP and its youth organization, Youth Against War and Fascism, were the only groups in the U.S. to organize protests against the Six-Day War in 1967. Since that time, we have taken very seriously the responsibility of educating and challenging the progressive, anti-war and anti-capitalist forces within the belly of the beast to raise Palestinian liberation to the forefront of every anti-war and anti-imperialist mobilization.

We know, just as the imperialists on Wall Street and in the White House do, that Palestine is the crux of the struggle for liberation throughout the Arab world and all of the Middle East.

To Dr. Habash and Leila Khaled, to martyrs like Abu Ali Mustafa and imprisoned champions like Ahmad Sa’adat, to the fighters in the refugee camps and the youths in the streets of Gaza, and to all of our comrades of the PFLP: you inspire us to resist, to sacrifice, to oppose imperialism fearlessly and by any means necessary.

Break the siege of Gaza!
Defend the right of return
Free Ahmad Sa’adat and all political prisoners!
Victory to the Palestinian resistance!
From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free!
Workers World Party National Committee

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