Sunday, November 11

True Torah Jews' Statement on Jerusalem

Seems right to me the following statement from the group, I don't know the part of "praise the efforts of President Bush and his administration to bring about peace in the Middle East" . Believe me George Bush and his crooked crew do not care for peace in the middle east, and anyone who funds Israel's Crimes against the people of Palestine can't be seen as something looking for peace.

True Torah Jews' Statement on Jerusalem:

In anticipation of the American-sponsored peace conference next month between the State of Israel and the Palestinian Authority, certain Modern Orthodox Jewish groups, including the Orthodox Union, the National Conference of Young Israel and the Rabbinical Council of America, have joined forces to protest against any potential Israeli concessions on Jerusalem. They "respectfully remind the American sponsors that Jerusalem is not merely a piece of territory. Since Biblical times Jerusalem has been and remains central to Jewish faith and practice." Rabbi Pesach Lerner of Young Israel stated that "world Jewry opposes Israeli negotiations which would include any discussion of ceding sovereignty over part or all of Jerusalem."

This militant Zionist position does unfortunately represent Modern Orthodoxy, a movement that is characterized by Jews bending Jewish law to fit their modern agenda. However, it is inaccurate to say that it represents world Jewry. World Jewry includes hundreds of thousands of more traditionally Orthodox Jews who do not see any inherent value in Jewish sovereignty over Jerusalem or any other place. Most of these Jews, in fact, see the Zionist occupation of the Holy Land as a terrible sin and a misfortune.

Rabbi Hersh Lowenthal, spokesman for True Torah Jews, explained the traditional Jewish position. "Jews recite in their prayers, 'Because of our sins we were exiled from our land, and we are unable to ascend, appear and bow before You in the Temple.' We affirm that the exile was a Divine decree, and that during exile we have no right to sovereignty over the ancient Jewish holy sites. The Talmud (Kesubos 111a) forbids Jews to wage wars or take over the Holy Land; we must only wait for the Messianic era, when G-d will bring peace to all humanity. These principles, which were once clear to all Jews, have apparently been forgotten by the Modern Orthodox movement."

Torah Jews praise the efforts of President Bush and his administration to bring about peace in the Middle East. The Torah teaches that Jews must maintain a peaceful relationship with all nations among whom they live. To use the Jewish religion as a reason to oppose peace is nothing less than a falsification of Judaism.
We continue to pray for the safety and security of all Jews and non-Jews in the Holy Land.

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