Thursday, November 15

Today in Palestine November 15, 2007

Brought to you by Shadi Fadda
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Israeli legislature votes to seize East Jerusalem
The Israeli Knesset (Parliament) gave preliminary approval on Wednesday to a bill that would seize East Jerusalem, in contravention of international law and UN resolutions, and make it part of Israel.

Residents of unrecognized Wadi Ara village repave razed road
The residents of the unrecognized village of Dar al-Hanun in Wadi Ara on Wednesday started to repave the access road to the village after local authorities had it demolished overnight. "Our course of action is to repave the road," Mustafa Abu Hilal, a neighborhood resident, told Haaretz.

Israel detains physician to extract information on his patients
PCHR condemns Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) for detaining Dr. Nabih Abu Sha'ban last Tuesday as he was accompanying his son seeking medical treatment in Jordan, going through Beit Hanoun (Erez) checkpoint. The Centre calls upon the international community and relevant international organizations in the Occupied Palestinian Territories to intervene and pressure IOF to immediately release Dr. Abu Shaban, who himself is suffering from illness. The Centre calls upon these parties to effectively intervene to ensure the safe passage of patients from the Strip to treatment facilities outside the territory so as to avert deterioration in their conditions.

Infant Dies in Gaza After She Denied Access into Israel for Treatment
An infant died on Wednesday in Gaza after she denied access into Israel for medical treatment, medical sources said. The sources reported that the six-month-old Sana' al-Haj died in al-Nasser hospital in Gaza after she was prevented by Israeli authorities to inter Israel for treatment. Israel is imposing a tight siege on the Gaza Strip since Hamas made its coup d'état against the Palestinian legal authority in Gaza Strip.

Israel to deport four Palestinian detainees to Jordan
The Israeli authorities decided on Wednesday to deport four Palestinian detainees to Jordan after claiming that their presence in the Palestinian territories is illegal.

Palestinian police sweep West Bank refugee camp
Palestinian security forces operating in Nablus arrested several members of the Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades in the Balata refugee camp Wednesday night. Palestinian police have also arrested a number of persons suspected of criminal activities, or for holding weapons without authorization. All operations are coordinated with the IDF.

Israeli police arrest hundreds of Palestinian workers inside Israel
Haider Ibrahim, Secretary general of the Palestinian Workers' Union, stated that the Israeli police have arrested 270 Palestinian workers inside Israel this month. The arrests took place in several raids in Tel Aviv, Haifa and Jaffa.

Two Palestinians killed, four injured in an Israeli air strike on northern Gaza
Two Palestinians have been killed and four others wounded on Thursday in an Israeli strike on the northern Gaza Strip town of Beit Lahiya.

Israeli setters attack Palestinian house near Salfit
Palestinian sources reported on Thursday reported that an armed group of Israeli settlers attacked a Palestinian home in in Borkeen village, near the northern West Bank city of Salfit.

Parents of Jerusalem prisoners hold protest demanding their release
Dozens of families of Palestinian detainees from Jerusalem currently imprisoned by Israel held a protest on Wednesday in front of the headquarters of the International Red Cross in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood in Jerusalem.

Marwan Barghouti: prisoner release must be top priority at Annapolis
Ashraf Ajrami, Palestinian minister of detainees and ex-prisoners, on Wednesday met with Fatah leader and Palestinian Legislative Council member Marwan Barghouti, in his Israeli prison cell to discuss the upcoming Annapolis summit and the efforts of Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas to resolve the issue of Palestinian political prisoners.

Torturing Palestinian Detainees
B'Tselem is the conservative Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories with a well-deserved reputation for accuracy. A group of prominent academics, attorneys, journalists and Knesset members founded the organization in 1989 to "document and educate the Israeli public and policymakers about human rights violations in the Occupied Territories, combat the phenomenon of denial prevalent among the Israeli public, and help create a human rights culture in Israel" to convince government officials to respect human rights and comply with international law.

PLO: no solution without Jerusalem as Palestinian capital
Palestinnia Liberation Organization (PLO) stated on Thursday that the Israeli-Palestinian conflict can never be resolved without Jerusalem as a capital for the Palestinian statehood.

Poll: 70% of youth don't think Bedouin deserve same rights as Jews
Seventy percent of young people between the ages of 18 and 29 do not believe that the Bedouin deserve the same rights granted to Jews, according to a poll released on Wednesday conducted by the organization "Bimkom ? Planners for Planning Rights." The poll found that only 38 percent of respondents between the ages of 30 and 49 agree with their younger counterparts, as opposed to 44.5 percent of people aged 50 and older.

Knesset: Palestinians will pay for Qassam damages
Knesset green-lights preliminary reading of bill proposing Palestinian Authority be forced to pay financial damages incurred by Qassam rockets fired from PA territory. MK Israel Hasson: 'A man condemned to death is being forced to buy his executioner's rope'

Hamas widens Gaza crackdown with new press restrictions
The Gaza Strip's Hamas rulers on Wednesday imposed sweeping restrictions on journalists and announced plans to curb public gatherings as part of an intensifying clampdown following a huge rally by the rival Fatah movement earlier this week.

Hamas Arrests Hundreds of Fatah Members in Gaza
Hamas' Executive Force (EF) continues to arrest Fatah members in the Gaza Strip following Monday's clashes, which claimed the lives of seven civilians, the Palestinian Ma'an news agency reported. Hamas blamed Fatah for the clashes, which erupted during a memorial day for the late Palestinian leader Yassir Arafat.

Hamas: Fateh is unfairly targeting Hamas supporters in West Bank
The Hamas movement in the West bank on Wednesday released a statement criticizing their rival party Fateh, which is currently ruling in the West Bank, for unfairly targeting Hamas supporters. The Hamas movement challenged the arrests of 1100 Hamas members by Fateh-led Palestinian security forces, and also accused Fateh of carrying out 1500 attacks against mosques, schools, organizations and individuals. The movement challenged the restrictions that have been placed on Hamas events, which have been prevented in the West Bank by Fateh forces.

Hamas in West Bank pays tribute at Arafat tomb
Hamas officials in the West Bank gathered on Wednesday at the tomb of Yasser Arafat two days after Islamist gunfire killed eight people at a Gaza rally for the late Palestinian leader. The Islamist delegation placed flowers on the tomb in the courtyard of the Muqataa, the Palestinian Authority headquarters in Ramallah, three years after Arafat died of mysterious causes in a Paris hospital.

Like on the first Land Day
"The masses who came to the rally did not come for Abu Amar [Arafat] or for Mohammad Dahlan, or because they were promised NIS 200 or a phone card. They came out of hatred for Hamas," says the former movement activist. A friend of his, who has remained a Hamas activist, agrees: "There has been a consolidation among some of the Fatah activists, because of anger and hatred for Hamas, after mistakes of ours that are impossible to ignore." He himself approached policemen and asked them to conduct themselves with restraint and not to react to insults. He is convinced that what happened was caused by a loss of control by inexperienced young policemen - not part of a policy. He swears that the leadership's intention is to reduce repressive ruling measures by the government. And he is convinced that Ramallah told Fatah supporters to initiate provocations and that the Hamas police indeed fell into the trap.

The 18,000 Homes Campaign has been gaining momentum during the past month
With your help this public education campaign is having some impact and introducing the issue of home demolitions and the continuing Occupation to a new audience. Over 200 Blogs and Web sites have added the 18,000 homes banner to their pages, helping bring more than 1,500 new visitors to the 18,000 homes web page.

FEATURE-Palestinians begin rebuilding symbols of authority

Work crews are laying foundations for a Palestinian state, clearing away the twisted ruins of government compounds destroyed by Israel to start a major rebuilding campaign.

Don't honor Peres' war criminal history
The following is an open letter to Professor Ali Dogramaci, Rector of Bilkent University, Ankara: The Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel views with grave concern your university's intention to honor Shimon Peres with an Honorary Doctorate. We feel certain that you do so without the knowledge of his personal history and his history as president of a state that practices the most pernicious form of colonialism and apartheid.

Students clash on 'Kaffiyah Day'

Arab and Jewish students demonstrate at Haifa, Hebrew Universities on self-proclaimed 'Kaffiyah Day.' Chairman of Hadash students' board in Haifa: 'No reason to prohibit an Arab student from wearing his traditional garb on campus'

New York activists crash settler funder's Madison Avenue gala
Over 100 well-dressed, well-heeled New Yorkers attending the invitation-only opening of diamond mogul Lev Leviev's Madison Avenue jewelry store this evening appeared stunned and aghast to find their evening derailed by a noisy protest against Leviev's construction of illegal West Bank settlements. Gala attendees set down their champagne glasses and gathered by windows to view the signs and Palestinian flags, and hear protesters' chants. Thirty New York City human rights activists chanted, "You're glitz, you're glam, you're building on Palestinian land," and "All your diamonds cannot hide, your support for Apartheid." Protesters called on New York City's upscale residents to boycott Leviev's diamonds. Disconcerted attendees hastily exited to their limousines to loud chants of, "Occupation is a drag, just say no to your gift bag."

Desperate to Censorship Facebook!
"You know you are doing well when Zionists and their alike are desperately trying to silence you."

Palestinian Hip-Hop Artist Belly Raps About His War-Torn Homeland In "History of Violence" [VIDEO]
Belly says, "If this puts me in the line of fire, then so be it. I felt I had to do this. I represent Arabs who don't want war, who are just like everybody else and that is 99% of us. I want people to see and hear that perspective."

Leaflets at Haifa U call for Arabs to reoccupy Jerusalem
Arab students distribute pamphlets calling for the reoccupation of capital; material not sanctioned by university. 'They are guilty of incitement,' says MK Miller.

Visiting Palestine
Yacoub Odeh was the guide for Middle East Children's Alliance's twelve-day tour through Palestine/Israel. He became a friend who told me and showed me things I know I will never forget. At age 67, Yacoub seems to carry with him the whole history of modern Palestine. And that is above all a history -- and ongoing experience -- of terrible loss. Deborah Agre writes about his story.

Israel urging Disney to sue Hamas
Israeli consulate in Los Angeles appeals to Walt Disney Corporation to question whether Hamas violated copyright laws by using Mickey Mouse-like figure in its anti-Israel children's programming.

The Gaza Economy: Current Status and Future Prospects, With the continued closures, Gaza's economy is on the verge of an irreversible collapse
The Gaza Strip is one of the most densely populated places in the world. An area of less than 360 square kilometers is home to close to 1.5 million people, i.e., a population density of about 4,500 per square kilometer. It also has one of the highest population growth rates in the world — over 43.5 per 1,000. Gaza's economy is largely composed of a small and fragmented industrial sector whose share of the total output varies between 6% and 12%, a very large service sector representing 45-60% of the total output, a large but fluctuating agricultural sector representing 20-35% of the total output, and a smaller construction sector representing 18% of the total output. Almost all Gaza businesses depend on imported raw materials and other supplies that must pass through the Strip's heavily secured border crossings with Israel, a procedure that has debilitated the economy over the years. With the sustained closure currently imposed on the crossings, the economy is on the brink of an irreversible collapse, possibly leading to long-term dependence on humanitarian assistance.

Why No American President Will Stand Up to Israel
Experts in the West and ordinary people in Arab lands have understood for many years that the United States does not have an independent policy toward the Middle East. President Jimmy Carter, a man of good will, tried to use American influence to settle the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the source of dangerous instability in the Middle East. However, Israel was able to block Carter's attempt, while blaming Yasser Arafat. Carter's plan would have given rise to a Palestinian state. Israel did not want any such state, because obvious military aggression is necessary in order to steal the territory of an official state with defined borders. It is much easier to steal land from a non-state.

George McLeod: Finkelstein: Taking on the Lobby
Professor Norman Finkelstein says his dismissal from a major US university was presaged by his willingness to speak the truth about the influence of pro-Israel groups on policies coming out of Washington.

Saying NO to the hunters of Atzmon, An introduction by Gilad Atzmon
The following is another shocking glimpse into the activity of the Zionist ADL within the Palestinian solidarity movement. This article was written by FTP who acts as the administrator of IM UK. After two weeks of non-stop harassment FTP said enough is enough. He started a web page with the full catalogue of tactics employed against him and his colleagues at the IM UK. He probably believed that it is his duty to inform others. He thought that it is important to make sure that the next time Moshe Machover or Tony Greenstein call you a "racist" or a "fascist" you realise that you are actually in very good company. FTP put it up just to make sure that the next time Mark Elf (Jews Sans Frontieres) calls you a "wanker" or a "fuckwit" that you shouldn't be intimidated, just keep up with the good work. We are facing a cell of 5 racially orientated subjects who for some reason call themselves anti-Zionists, but in practice they operate as crypto-Zionists - defending deep "Jewish Interests". They do whatever they can to silence any meaningful criticism of Zionism and its vast support amongst world Jewry.

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