Now hold on to your seats as this may come as a shock, but Israel has been lying thru its teeth about weapon sales to the Burma/Myanmar junta that is violently opposing a peaceful uprising, by shooting Buddhist monks.
Or maybe Israel doesn't consider submachine guns and artillery pieces "weapons."
The 9/29 Israel paper Ha'aretz carried a story entitled "Israel urges Myanmar gov't to refrain from harming protesters."
The story stated that... " Israel is concerned by the situation in Myanmar...." And that "Israel denies selling weapons to Burma or Myanmar."
Concerned about the situation or concerned that some of those Israeli weapons will be used to murder monks?
From the World War IV Report:
Israeli military aid to Burmese regime: Jane's Report
Submitted by David Bloom on Sat, 09/29/2007 - 20:14.
The Burmese junta currently shooting unarmed protestors received a cynical plea for restraint from the Israel government on Sept. 29. According to the Israeli paper Ha'aretz, the Israeli foreign ministry announced "Israel is concerned by the situation in Myanmar, and urges the government to demonstrate restraint and refrain from harming demonstrators." The article ended by pointing out that "Israel denies selling weapons to Burma or Myanmar." (Ha'aretz, Sept. 29)
Not true, according a March 1, 2000 report in the authoritative British publication Jane's Intelligence Review by William Ashton. The article, titled "Myanmar and Israel develop military," details how Israeli companies and the Israeli government have been supplying and developing weapons for the Burmese regime, and sharing intelligence:
In August 1997 it was revealed that the Israeli defence manufacturing company Elbit had won a contract to upgrade Myanmar's (then) three squadrons of Chinese-built F-7 fighters and FT-7 trainers. The F-7 is a derivative of the Mikoyan MiG-21 'Fishbed' jet fighter.
And to see proof of even more Israeli weapons sold to Myanmar's ruling junta, like machine guns and artillery pieces, check out this article in JANE's Intelligence Review.
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