Thursday, October 11

"Bryan Adams to launch Mideast peace show "

"RAMALLAH, West Bank - The Canadian rocker Bryan Adams will headline concerts for peace in the West Bank and Israel next week, with his performances relayed by satellite to London, Ottawa and Washington, organizers said Sunday.
The New York-based One Voice peace movement said the concerts were aimed at bolstering its campaign to collect one million signatures of ordinary Israelis and Palestinians demanding that their leaders sit down and finalize an agreement on a Palestinian state living at peace with Israel.
The head of One Voice's Ramallah office, Fathi Darwish, said Adams would launch the West Bank event at a football stadium in the ancient town of Jericho, then head to Tel Aviv to perform."
full story;
I'm certain Mr. Adams is well intentioned, but "One Voice" seems to be working on the naive assumption that the main obstacle to peace between Zionists and Arabs in Palestine is a lack of understanding, and gosh darn, if they just got to know each other a little better, things would be just peachy keen...


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