Monday, September 24

Who's Being Picky Over Free Money?

If it's not bad enough that America's money is going to fund genocide and ethnic cleansing instead of helping Americans that need help, Israel has gone a step further by requesting that their free money be made payable in Euros.

Israel cited the U.S rapidly declining dollar as the reasons for the request, and of course the United States will grant that request stated Secretary Rice who said in a statement. :We will translate our obligations into Euros or whatever currency that best fits Israel's need.

She continued on to say that "we place Israeli obligations at the top our national priority list. Israel should not suffer any inconvenience.

Hell, why not just give Israel the keys to the white house, I wonder does Rice consider the millions across America that suffer with out health care? Does her and her Government think about the millions that are homeless that suffer.

If her and her Government don't even care about their own people by funding wars in not only Israel and other places like Iraq, we all know that they don't care about the people of Palestine.

A similar request from Egypt was declined last week.

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