Monday, August 20

The Israeli Files - Leaked Documents from The Mad Blogger

This book has yet to arrive in book stores. It talks about the power our Pro-Israel Lobby has in America.

WE are crying "Ant-Semitic" and have brought that book under heavy weather.

We already have several key institutions backing away from holding events with the authors John J Mearsheimer, who is a political scientist at the University of Chicago, and Harvard Professor Stephen M Walt.

If you recall last spring, the two academics published an article in a London periodical talking about our powerful pro-Israel lobby having a pernicious influence on American policy. We created a sharp reaction to the charge from our defenders of Israel, both individuals and groups. We made sure that the authors were accused of shoddy scholarship and being anti-Semitic.

We have to ensure there is big damage control on this book. "Now that the Cold War is over, Israel has become a strategic liability for the U.S. We will ensure that no aspiring politician is going to say so in public or even raise the possibility.

The nerve of these guys trying to make one of our lobby's look bad. Our American Israeli lobby is great. look at how they made the US shut down talks with Syria and with moderates in Iran. They did a super job preventing the US from condemning Israel's 2006 war in Lebanon and did not let the administration push the Israelis hard enough to come to an agreement with the Palestinians. They also discuss Christian Zionists and the issue of dual loyalty at all times.

We are prepared: In early September, we have Abraham H Foxman of the Anti-Defamation League releasing a book to counter their book. The book is called The Deadliest Lies: the Israel Lobby and the Myth of Jewish Control. I think it's great, well paid for. I think we need more pro-Israel lobbying groups.

We need to come up with better stuff, (maybe be a little more creative) then:
-Anyone who criticizes Israel is Anti-Semite, and if they are Jewish then they are self-hating. I think this is getting old, but you decide, you are the boss.

Be assured there will be heavy debate from the camps of both writers when these books get released. We have to do something big, and fast. Ever since the Publication of Jimmy Carter's book Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid everybody is coming out against us. Look at Window into Palestine that is starting to get a huge following of readers and I still don't know what we are doing about the release of Occupation 101
Do we have damage control on that? And someone do something about that Palestine Blogs. There is just to many Bloggers spreading truth about what we are doing.

There is starting to be a growing dissatisfaction with the war in Iraq, I have no idea what we are going to do about that. Have you seen that One Million Blogs for Peace in Iraq
Their movement is growing.

Israeli policies are fundamentally flawed just as is America's, the good thing is nobody can tell who has better policies. That may be to our benefit.

Posted By themadblogger to The Israeli Files 

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