Monday, July 9

The People's Voice Newsletter

Making Gaza 'Scream'
Stephen Lendman
Making Gaza "scream" is same kind of scheme the Nixon administration planned for Chile after social democrat Salvador Allende won a plurality of the votes in September, 1970. Before the Chilean Congress confirmed him as president in October, an infamous Nixon CIA Director Richard Helms handwritten note read: "One in 10 chance perhaps, but save Chile!...not concerned with risks involved...$10,000,000 available, more if necessary...make the economy 'scream.'

The Palestinian Left: A Lost Opportunity for Relevance
Ramzy Baroud
When Hamas members were elected as the majority bloc of the Palestinian Legislative Council, and as it became apparent that a US-led international embargo would be an adjoining price to that victory, I contacted many intellectuals and writers in Palestine, mostly those who often positioned themselves as part of the Palestinian Left. I asked them to solidify behind the collective choice of the Palestinian people and to shield Palestinian democracy at any cost.

The Ken and Barbie Show
Mary Pitt
Yawn! It's almost time for the next episode of The Ken And Barbie Show. You know, the new television extravaganza where a bunch of very affluent, carefully groomed, coiffed, and made-up rich folks get on a stage and try to convince us that they "feel our pain". There are two groups and we are supposed to choose the best of each group and then make the final choice between the two of of them. We are asked to judge on the basis of appearance, personality, and creative thinking. On the first two criteria, all are almost equally qualified but that last one is a real sticking point.

Zionism Pimping Jewish girls out to America's young men
Khalid Amayreh in Occupied Jerusalem
In a brazen effort to make Israel's Nazi-like oppression of Palestinians look romantic, seductive and sexy, the quasi- pornographic American magazine, Maxim, has featured a photo-spread of topless and semi-nude Israeli female soldiers, apparently in order to show Israel's "human side."

Cheney "Fixes" Libby, Cons America and Thwarts Justice
William Hughes
"It is time to remove [Vice President Dick Cheney] from office." - Rep. Jim McDermott (D-WA)
Eureka Springs, Arkansas - Lewis "Scooter" Libby is not going to a federal prison for 30 months, or even for one day. His boss, Vice President Dick Cheney, made sure of that. U.S. District Court Judge, the Hon. Reggie B. Walton, had ruled that the Neocon, a crony of another prime architect of the Iraqi War, Paul Wolfowitz, deserved serious jail time for lying to a Grand Jury and the FBI. (1) The purpose of Libby's crimes was to cover up Cheney's scheme to smear the Iraqi War critic, Ambassador Joe Wilson. Cheney nodded and President George W. Bush winked -- Libby's prison time was commuted. What a sordid business! This is the same Bush-Cheney Gang that lied the country into the Iraqi War. (2) They decreed, without just cause, that a sovereign nation of 27 million souls should die! Over 655,000 of its citizens have perished. (3) As of today, that unlawful conflict has also cost the lives of 3601 brave Americans troops. Now, the gang's kingpin, Bush, insists that a 30 month prison sentence for one of its lying lackeys, Libby, is "excessive." What an obscenity!

Al Gore's Trendy Environmentalism in Barcelona
Pablo Ouziel
On the 23 of June, I had the opportunity to attend the Friends of Trees Conference in Barcelona. It has taken me a few weeks to digest all the information, which I, together with about 900 other people managed to inhale: The fumes of change, the organic revolution, the climate crisis, the need for solidarity and action. It was a most overwhelming task: and Al Gore's redundant joke of: "I used to be the next president of the United States," has hardly helped ease the intensity of the situation.

Peter Chamberlin
The anti-war movement has made itself heard. When key Republican Senators and top generals admit that time is nearly up for Bush in Iraq, you know that everyone who is involved in prolonging the farce is thinking about covering their own behinds. According to Sen. Voinovich, if Bush wants to avoid being forced by the people into making a "precipitous withdrawal," then he must begin a "responsible military disengagement." Gen. Petraeus himself worries that the political clock in Washington will run out before the "Baghdad clock" really gets ticking.

Air Force Claims Anti-war Minister is a National Security Threat!
Kevin Zeese
With this type of priority no wonder U.S. policy is so counterproductive to real national security
If you have heard Rev. Lennox Yearwood speak against the continued occupation of Iraq and express outrage at how Katrina has been handled you have no doubt been in inspired. He is a speaker in the mold of Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., who not only can move people to tears with his words – but more importantly, move people to action.

The Right Christians Versus The Christian Right
eileen fleming
Internationally renowned expert on Christian Zionism, Rev. Dr. Stephen Sizer recently completed a whirlwind ten day odyssey through America speaking to hundreds of concerned, committed, thoughtful Christians in Seattle, Peoria, Fort Lauderdale, New Smyrna Beach and in a soon to be broadcast radio interview in Tampa, Florida before returning to the UK on July 4, 2007.

John Perkins: Jerk, Con-man, Shill
Greg Palast
I remember John Perkins. He was a real jerk. A gold-plated, super-slick lying little butthole shill for corporate gangsters; a snake-oil salesman with a movie-star grin, shiny loafers, a crooked calculator and a tooled leather briefcase full of high-blown bullshit.

Is This Heaven? 13
Mike Palecek
"Sometime in your life, hope that you might see one starved man, the look on his face when the bread finally arrives. Hope that you might have baked it or bought or even kneaded it yourself. For that look on his face, for your meeting his eyes across a piece of bread, you might be willing to lose a lot, or suffer a lot, or die a little, even." — Daniel Berrigan
I owe my life to Dan Berrigan.

The Keffiyeh War – Satire
Sarah Gillespie
The Keffiyeh is a magical scarf indeed. Banned in major outlets, it is re-emerging in market stalls across the US and Europe. Its victory on the high street signals the inevitable collapse of the neoconservative agenda.

Senator Specter Fights for Constitution
Joel S. Hirschhorn
On the Friday before July 4 Republican Senator Arlen Specter showed his respect for the U.S. Constitution and his anger about President Bush's repeated pissing on it by introducing the Presidential Signing Statements Act of 2007. What happens to this crucial bill will test both congressional integrity and courage.

Stonewalling in Ramallah
Khalid Amayreh
From Al-Ahram Weekly
Even as the Abbas government does Israel's bidding, it is being targeted by its new patron, reports Khalid Amayreh from East Jerusalem.
The Ramallah-based Palestinian "emergency government" continues to adamantly reject any rapprochement with Hamas, despite growing calls to this effect by a number of key Arab and Muslim countries as well as Palestinian intellectuals. Instead, the government, backed by the United States and Israel, is asserting its authority (although this doesn't mean much in real terms given the ubiquitous reality of the Israeli occupation), ostensibly in preparation for holding early general elections with or without Hamas's participation.

Stubborn Independence: Hanging on at the End of the Internet Holocene
Chris Floyd
From Empire Burlesque
As you may know, Empire Burlesque was hit by a major hack last night. The culprits were the usual broken, twisted spirits, a gang of what seem to be some kind of Turkish militarists -- at least that's their cover. Their own postings to hacker bulletin boards indicate their intent in wrecking EB is "political." Whether they are operating on their own, or are just thugs for hire, whoring for other entities who might not wish to leave fingerprints, I can't say. Whatever their ultimate provenance, their intention is clear: to shut down political viewpoints they don't like and impose their own, by force. Thus they are the perfect little Terror War minions of the Bush-bin Laden Imperium, having fully imbibed the ethos of this corrupted age.

The war within Fatah
Khalid Amayreh
From Al-Ahram Weekly
Dismissing the recent infighting in Gaza as a showdown between Fatah and Hamas only is simplifying a far more complex problem, writes Khalid Amayreh in Ramallah. Tensions are growing between supporters of the American-backed Dahlan faction and the supporters of Yasser Arafat. Tensions between the two polarised camps increased dramatically last week when Palestinian Authority (PA) President Mahmoud Abbas, who backs Dahlan, fired veteran Fatah leader and former PA interior minister Hani Al-Hassan who had accused Dahlan of planning to murder him -- a charge which Dahlan vehemently denied.

Strike at the Root!
Sheila Samples
"We have now sunk to a depth at which the restatement of the obvious is the first duty of intelligent men"~~George Orwell 
Recently, Nova M Radio's Mike Malloy suggested the lethargy that appears to have descended on the American people is more "rage fatigue" than a lack of knowledge or comprehension of the damage wrought by this administration. I agree, although for many of us, rather than fatigue, it's more an inability to "focus" on any single atrocity about which to be enraged. There are just too many incoming horrors at any one time. We are in the throes of a national paralysis.

Lewis "Scooter" Libby Sentence Commuted
Stephen Lendman
On July 2, the US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia (Washington) ruled on US v. Libby (07-3068) saying I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby must be imprisoned while appealing his conviction March 6 of lying to federal investigators and a grand jury and obstructing their probe of the 2003 leaking of CIA official Valerie Plame's identity. The court said Libby "has not shown that the appeal raises a substantial question" for him to remain free under federal law. Earlier, US District Judge Reggie Walton refused to let Libby remain free during appeal saying evidence of his guilt was "overwhelming."

Reinventing A War Criminal
Stephen Lendman
Britain's most despised and discredited man ended his 10 year reign June 27 when he stepped down from office transferring his ruling Labor Party's leadership to successor Gordon Brown. He had no choice because of seething public displeasure over his allying with George Bush's illegal wars on Iraq and Afghanistan. Most Brits oppose them, yet the vast majority of Labor and Conservative MPs, including new prime minister Gordon Brown, supported them early on, now may have second thoughts, but are constrained by close relations with Washington making them reluctant to back down from what they once disingenuously trumpeted as a noble cause.

Tangling with the Oppressor - What really matters is what Palestinians Do
Mary Rizzo Gilad Atzmon interview
Interviewing Gilad Atzmon is never easy, but always interesting. It's challenging because when it comes down to it, there is so much material, it has to be drastically reduced to make an interview fill an acceptable, customary length that is palatable to the average reader. It is interesting because he is able to effortlessly and authoritatively address a wide range of topics in an entertaining way. Although a frequent participant on the Peacepalestine blog and regularly published there, the last formal interview I did with him was in April of 2005. A lot has changed since then, both in the world Atzmon comments about, Israel-Palestine (and the activism movements that are born of this issue), and in his own career.

Bruce Livesey
From The Walrus via THE AGONIST
Today's super-wealthy are as rich as Rockefeller, but will they be as generous?
There are few things more boring than a class analysis, some say. Karl Marx's "fetishism of the commodity" or Adam Smith's "invisible hand" can kill a dinner party. But celebrity, especially celebrity attached to wealth – real, gigantic wealth – is another matter altogether. And so, while Conrad Black's trial in Chicago concentrated on the arcane legalities of non-compete agreements and whether his Lordship pocketed tens of millions of dollars that didn't belong to him, what sparked a real frisson about this case were the accounts of orgiastic spending Black and his vampish wife, Barbara Amiel, indulged in at the pinnacle of their power.

Subverting democracy
Joseph Massad
From Electronic Intifada/Al-Ahram Weekly
As the enemies of the Palestinian people have been attacking them on every front -- Israel with its inquisition against Azmi Bishara and with him Palestinian resistance to the racist basis of the Jewish state inside the green line, or Hariri Inc. and its 14 March allies intent on proving the might of the Lebanese army at the expense of Palestinian civilian lives in Nahr al-Bared, and the continued siege by the Israeli military occupation and its US sponsor of the occupied territories -- the latest attack came from Palestinian collaborators with the enemy: the Fatah leadership abetted by the United States. Indeed the subversion of Middle East democracy has been the mainstay of US policy in the region since the CIA supported the 1949 Hosni al-Zaim coup that overthrew democracy in Syria.

Is This Heaven? 12
Mike Palecek
"The Trouble With Our State"
By Daniel Berrigan
The trouble with our state
was not civil disobedience
which in any case was hesitant and rare.

Independence Day Hypocrisy
Stephen Lendman
Along with Christmas, no federal holiday is more celebrated than the day a new nation declared its independence from the British Crown on July 4, 1776. Coming in the summer with good weather across the country, it's a day or long weekend of parades, outings, various other celebratory events, and baseball at all levels that many years ago often meant major league "double-headers" that was a big occasion for young boys, like this writer, growing up in "big league" cities whose dads took them out for an endless day at the ballpark.

The United States Constitution goes up in Plames
Jesse Hemingway
In my opinion rarely do we wittiness an insidious event unfold this rapidly before our eyes as we do with the Valerie Plame story. The unwinding of this incident in contemporary American History, rendering the deliberate wickedness of destroying the United States Constitution if front of our eyes with out any push back from the American citizens nor the legislative body.

A Declaration of Independence From Israel
Chris Hedges
From Truth Dig
Israel, without the United States, would probably not exist. The country came perilously close to extinction during the October 1973 war when Egypt, trained and backed by the Soviet Union, crossed the Suez and the Syrians poured in over the Golan Heights. Huge American military transport planes came to the rescue. They began landing every half-hour to refit the battered Israeli army, which had lost most of its heavy armor. By the time the war was over, the United States had given Israel $2.2 billion in emergency military aid.

Happy Independence Day: YOU HAVE NO GOVERNMENT
Carolyn Baker
Turning and turning in the widening gyre
The falcon cannot hear the falconer; Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere;
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;

You ceased to be the President of the United States
Nicole Belle
From Crooks & Liars
Finally tonight, as promised, a Special Comment on what is, in everything but name, George Bush's pardon of Scooter Libby.
"I didn't vote for him," an American once said, "But he's my president, and I hope he does a good job."
That — on this eve of the 4th of July — is the essence of this democracy, in seventeen words.
And that is what President Bush threw away yesterday in commuting the sentence of Lewis "Scooter" Libby.

Save America
Harvey Edwards
From Huffington Post
How fitting that this is printed on July 4th week. In 1776 we celebrated our independence from England. Now in 2007 we need to strike out again against the tyranny and oppression of our own government under the Cheney-Bush presidency. Read the Declaration of Independence. We need to SAVE AMERICA! We need to let Bush know that he is responsible and accountable to all the citizens of America. This is an administration of cronyism, favoritism, partisanship and arrogance.

Alan Johnston Freed By Hamas Executive Forces & Al Qassam Brigades
Hiyam Noir
From Palestine Free Voice
Hamas Movement's Success - Alan Johnston a Free Man
Alan Johnston is free today, Wednesday the 4th of July, Johnston has by his release this morning 03.12 am,in Gaza City been detained by the group "Army of Islam" for 113 days.He has twice appeared on video tape and has been heard in recordings issued by the group. After the press conferance, and breakfast in the office of Ismail Haniyeh, Alan Johnston shaked hand with officials of the Hamas Movement,including representatives of Hamas Executive Forces and the Al Qassams Brigade, Jonhston called his journalist colleagues and left Gaza Strip as a free man.

Call Out the Instigator
Cindy Sheehan
From Desert Peace
Call out the Instigator
Because there's something in the air
We got to get together sooner or later
Because the revolution's here
You know it's right!
Thunderclap Newman
I'm not backing off. I tried to remove myself from the political realm of the US, what BushCo is turning into an Evil Empire, but the blatant audacity of George commuting Scooter's sentence (he's not ruling out a full pardon ---and you know he will) has dragged me kicking and screaming back in. I can't sit back and let this BushCo drag our country further down into the murky quagmire of Fascism and violence, taking the rest of the world with them! I have sat quietly back these past five weeks as the slaughter in Iraq sorrowfully surges along with George's bloody escalation---and as the philosophical opposition to the war has soared to almost four out of every five Americans. I have remained silent when senator Barack Obama said that impeachment is only reserved for "grave, grave" breeches! Well, BushCo has created hundreds of thousands of graves dug by their lies and greed.



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