Sunday, July 1

New Project: Compiling Zionist Lies

"Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored." - Aldous Huxley

Compiling Zionist mendacity, lies and distortions is by necessity a work in
progress. It obviously can be rather lengthy since the lies and mendacity
of those who either participated in or still participate in the ethnic
cleansing of Palestine goes back for 100 years. I listed below 50 common
lies and a link to page with data that debunk them (as a beginning to prompt
more). Please send me your contributions/additions whether in other lies
not mentioned here or in further quotes and data on the listed lies. Email
contributions to Suggested use for the data as it
accumulates is a handy place for finding info for sending to chat rooms,
listserves, editors, politicians and others who could benefit from knowing
the factual response to the myths. Zionist lies are leading us all
(including us US Citizens) into more wars, mayhem and economic destruction.

50 Sample Lies (answers and real data at

* Arabs in Israel are treated equal. Variant, Israel is a Democracy.
* Arabs only understand the language of force.
* Barak Made a generous offer at Camp David, Arafat rejected it and went
back and started a bloody intifada.
* Ben Gurion (who became Israel's first Prime Minister) and Zionist
leadership before 1948 war had no intention to drive the native Palestinians
* Boycotts and Divestment are immoral and anti-Semitic.
* Christians should support Israel because of the promised land/Bible
* Iran's President is a Jew-hating, Holocaust-denying, Islamo-fascist who
stated he will "wipe Israel off the map".
* Islam is intent on taking over the world.
* Israel accidentally attacked the USS Liberty in International waters
because it was mistaken for an Egyptian ship.
* Israel Demolishes Homes for security.
* Israel does not torture Palestinian Prisoners in violation of the Geneva
* Israel is beneficial to US interests in the Middle East.
* Israel is not an apartheid state.
* Israel made the desert bloom/Palestine was destitute.
* Israel only imprisons those responsible for terrorism.
* Israel seeks peace with Syria.
* Israel takes great care not to harm civilians and never targets
them/Israeli army most ethical army.
* Israel was trying to save Arab Jews
* Israeli academics are generally liberals who support human rights.
* Israel has centrality in Jewish life manifest by the creed developed and
advocated by Zionists "Am Yisrael Chai" meaning the People of Israel (=the
Jews) live.
* Israel had a positive influence on world affairs.
* Land was purchased, Palestinians were not ethnically cleansed.
* Zionists teach peace and democracy, Palestinian Society teaches hate.
* Jerusalem "reunification" let people be treated equal regardless of
religion/variant: Israel is not judaicizing Jerusalem/Freedom of religion.
* Jews of Iraq and Arab Countries were persecuted and expelled.
* Jihad and Mujahideen refers to violence against infidels/non-muslims.
* Media has been biased against Israel.
* Mohammed Al-Durra was killed by Palestinians or killed in "cross-fire".
* Muslims cannot assimilate in Western countries.
* Palestine was a land without a people for a people without a land.
* Palestinians and other Arabs largely rejoiced after 9/11 attacks.
* Palestinians don't use nonviolent resistance but instead blow themselves
up with innocent civilians.
* Palestinians send their kids to be killed for propaganda purposes.
* Palestinians want/ed to drive Jews and Israel into the sea.
* Rachel Corrie was accidentally killed while protecting the house of
* The "security barrier" Israel is building si not a land grab and is about
* The 1967 war was a defensive war by Israel against enemies who wanted to
destroy it.
* The Deir Yassin Massacre (one of hundreds committed duing the ethnic
cleansing of 1947-1949) was committed by rogue elements and not mainstream
* The Interational Solidarity Movement support violence.
* The lies and distortions about the Lavon affair
* The massacre of Sabra and Shatila in 1982 in Lebanon was not the
responsibility of the Israelis.
* The people of the West Bank benefited from Israeli rule.
* The Road map is an international effort for peace in the Middle East and
Palestinians reject it.
* The US is an "honest broker".
* There was an Exchange of population, Jews came from Arab Countries to
Israel in exchange Arabs left Israel.
* Tiny Israel fended off large Arab armies in 1948.
* Zionism represent Jews or at least mainstream Judaism.
* Zionism was a response to anti-Semitism.
* Zionists believe in and allow free speech.
• Zionists did not push for the war on Iraq and the conflict with Iran is
also about US security not Zionist perceived self-interest

answers and real data at
Again, please send me additional material for this work in progress

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