( *the following is a copy of letter drafted and sent to members of the European Parliament. You can find out your list of Euro MPs at http://www.writetothem.com/
The European Union is basically made up of two bodies; a democratically elected European Parliament and a undemocratically appointed European Commission made up of commissioners.
It is the European Commission through the Commissioner of Foreign Affairs which decided to impose the embargo against the democratically elected government of Hamas.
You will agree that the European Union helped undermine the Palestinian government and all groups and individuals sympathetic to Palestine should now think about how best they can organize against any future European Union actions which are aimed against Palestine.
Contact all your MEPs and try to find out which ones are sympathetic to the Palestinian cause. Palestine needs a strong voice within the European Parliament, and the more people that contact their MEPs the stronger the voice will be.)
Dear _________________________
In January 2006 the European Union joined the United States and Israel in supporting a severe economic embargo against the Palestine people who dared to democratically vote for a Hamas government. This embargo was political and used collectively punishment against innocent civilians.
Adding to this, the United States helped arm and train the Fatah Party to fight against Hamas.
This twin tactics of economic embargo and support for a proxy army helped undermine the democratic elected government of Hamas thereby leading to the problems that Palestine is facing now.
My questions to you is;
(1) Did the European Parliament get a chance to debate the imposing of the sanctions?
(2) Does the European Parliament have any veto powers over European Union Foreign policy such as imposing sanctions?
(3) Did the European Parliament debate whether the United States were arming and training Fatah to fight against Hamas?
(4) Will the European Parliament debate whether it was moral for the European Union to undermine a democratically elected government?
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