Tuesday, May 29

suggestion to address the issue of Oprah would be to do the following:

Dear All,

My suggestion to address the issue of Oprah would be to do the following:
See Article Here
1. Contact the Representative Office of South Africa in Ramallah and the South African Foreign Ministry and explain our position. Oprah has extremely close relations with the South Africans and Nelson Mandela in particular. Request that they make our case to her. I am sure they can reach her (and she will listen) at any time. As we know, President Mandela has always been a strong and continuous supporter of our cause.

2. Do not protest, boycott, or anything else until she rejects the invitation of the Palestinian people. This is counterproductive.

3. Ask President Abbas to personally contact Queen Rania of Jordan and request that she make the case to Oprah for visiting Palestine. The Queen is very close to Oprah.

4. Use the examples of Richard Gere and Pink Floyd singer Rogers Waters' decision to visit both sides.

5. Make a suggestion for an itinerary; i.e. Qalandia, the Wall, a refugee camp, and a school (the Friends Schools are always a good place for western visitors.

6. This should all be done a quickly as possible.

I feel that we will have a better chance for her to accept our case if we use this strategy. Please do not make the mistake of attacking her positions yet. Understand that the Zionist lobby in the US is very effective and we need to counter them with our heads and not emotions. The aim is to get her here, then to let the facts on the ground speak for themselves.


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