Wednesday, May 9

HR Organisation Calls for Ending Israel's Extrajudicial Killings

Al-Haq Foundation urged the international community to demand an end to the illegal Israeli practice of extrajudicial killings, and to bring to justice the perpetrators of such killings.

The Foundation also demanded in a press release the High Contracting Parties to the Fourth Geneva Convention to uphold their obligations under Article 1 to ensure the respect of international humanitarian law by holding Israel to its obligations under the Convention.

It asked the EU institutions and member states to make effective use of the European Union Guidelines on promoting compliance with international humanitarian law (2005/C 327/04). Under paragraph 16 (b), (c) and (d) of these guidelines, EU institutions and member states should make general public statements that emphasise the need to ensure compliance with international humanitarian law, make demarches and issue public statements condemning Israel's violations of international humanitarian law and consider the imposition of restrictive measures or sanctions.

"As a Palestinian organisation dedicated to the protection and promotion of human rights in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT), Al-Haq would like to raise its serious concern regarding the ongoing extrajudicial executions of Palestinians," reads the press release.

Over the course of the last months, adds the press release, Al-Haq has documented four incidents, the facts of three which are summarised below, involving the extrajudicial executions of eight Palestinians in the Jenin area.

It added that the number of incidents, all of which involved disturbingly similar facts, indicates that, far from being isolated acts, the extrajudicial execution of Palestinians continues to be a widespread practice.

The Foundation said it has documented numerous other deaths attributable to Israeli extrajudicial executions during the last year.

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