Gaza - Acting PLC speaker and Hamas' senior political leader Dr. Ahmed Bahar has deplored the shooting by PA presidential guards at the PLC headquarters in Gaza Strip and participating in the vandalism carried out by tens of the PA security elements.
"We regret that the PA presidential guards, who are supposed to be the ones to maintain peace and order, were the ones that violated the law and fueled violence through intensively firing at the PLC headquarters in Gaza," Bahar said.
For that reason, Bahar urged PA chief Mahmoud Abbas, through a telephone call, to cut short his tour abroad and come home immediately to stop the security mess in the Palestinian arena.
"Abbas pledged to address the Palestinian public and calm them down, and that he will issue orders to the PA security apparatuses to stop violence and return to their barracks", Bahar pointed out, adding that the president was sincere in ending the crisis.
Bahar further charged that there were certain groups in the Palestinian arena pushing the Palestinian people into "national divisiveness", and wants not forming a national unity government. He asserted that Palestinian weapons should remain pointed at one enemy namely Israel.
Spokesman of Hamas in Khan Younis city Hammad Al-Rokab, for his part, seconded Bahar's remarks as he charged vandal gangs of burning Palestinian public buildings including the council of ministers' building in Ramallah under the watching eye and protection of the IOF troops, and that they became tools in Israel's hands against their own people.
He asserted that the violence in Gaza wasn’t accidental; but rather was organized and programmed with the aim to push the Palestinian people into the marsh of "civil war".
Rokab further pointed to the famous answer of former PA interior minister Nasr Yousef when asked by the former PLC on why wasn’t he able to end the security mess, and replied, "How can I control security apparatuses with allegiance to foreign intelligence apparatuses".
Two days after receiving their one-month salary, tens of PA security men violently demonstrated in Gaza streets Thursday, saying they were asking for their unpaid salaries; yet the bullets they have randomly fired during their vandal acts were manifolds more than their monthly salaries; thus, putting a big question mark on their real purpose.
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