Sheikh Ra’ed Salah, President of the Islamic Movement inside the Green Line, commented on Monday’s Reuters News Agency report that the Islamic holy site, Al Aqsa Mosque, is under more threat than previously thought.
The Israeli government intends to further overtake the Mosque and give it to the Jews on a semi-permanent basis. Israeli forces in the southern West Bank's Hebron City are doing the same with Ibrahimi Mosque, closing it yesterday to Muslims and opening it to Jews. These are Muslim holy sites, as significant as the Church of Nativity is to Christians worldwide.
The Sheikh said, “This is a flagrant and foul violation stemming from the Israeli occupation in the Holy City of Jerusalem and the Al Aqsa Mosque.” He added, “It has become clear to us the Israeli institutions that are behind such deeds.”
The Israeli administration strongly controls every aspect of the Al Aqsa Mosque. We have many clues which confirm that, and also lay bare some of the previous press conferences.”
Sheikh Salah stressed the need to “emphasize that the evidence is in our hands, unfortunately, and with all the pain and grief that the Israeli institution is imposing through such an ugly assault and other abuses of the daily planning for the division of Al Aqsa Mosque between Muslims and Jews. In that a major catastrophe will lead to a clash between the religious institution and the Israeli Arab and Islamic world.”
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