Saturday, July 22

Caritas Jerusalem: Humanitarian Situation in Gaza Continues to Deteriorate

VATICAN CITY,(WAFA)- As Israel hammers Lebanon with bombardments, Caritas Jerusalem said it continues to call out on behalf of Palestinians living in the Gaza Strip, a separate but no less tragic front in the military assault Israel has launched as violence in the Middle East spins out of control.

"At night, we are in darkness. In the streets at night, all you can hear are children weeping, they are so scared," said Father Manuel Musallam, Parish Priest of the Latin Convent in Gaza.

"We need food, yes of course we need food," Father Manuel said, referring to the thousands of people going hungry and thirsty as food and water supplies are put in a stranglehold. "But more than that, we need freedom from fear," he said. "We want peace and an end of the occupation."

"Children are crying at night, some cannot find their mothers, their fathers, their brothers or sisters, and they are left in the dark," continued Father Manuel.

Early in the offensive that began three weeks ago in Gaza, the Israeli military knocked out the one power generation plant in Gaza. Not only were people plunged into darkness, but any perishable food cannot be conserved and medical centers, if they can operate at all, are operating on the little power produced by generators. Water pumps that run on electricity have been rendered useless.

Dr. Bandali El-Saigh, the medical director for Caritas in Gaza, said the Caritas medical centers are providing free treatment to all people in need, since no one can afford the small co-payments for visits.

Dr. El-Saigh also said that since transportation and petrol are no longer available, Caritas will need to distribute first aid kits around Gaza so that the sick and injured can care for themselves or others in case they cannot make it to hospital.

For three weeks, the Israeli military has targeted government buildings and basic infrastructure in the Gaza Strip, as well as blocked movement into and out of the area.

Caritas has called for a ceasefire and for the parties to enter fresh negotiations. Caritas is also calling for humanitarian organisations to be given access to the area to bring relief to the civilian population. Caritas Jerusalem has an open appeal for $1.5 million to bring emergency assistance to people in Gaza during this crisis.

Caritas Internationalis is a confederation of 162 Catholic relief, development, and social service organisations present in over 200 countries and territories

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