Thursday, April 23

Terrorist JDL to picket Sabeel Conference on Christian Zionism in Vancouver

The terrorist organization "Jewish Defense League" is ramping up their outrageous  rhetoric and calling on their members to fly from Toronto to picket the Sabeel Conference on Christian Zionism in Vancouver April 23-25, 2015.
On March 27, 2015, the JDL issued a statement talking about the "evil anti-Semitic event in Vancouver that attempts to unify Christian groups with pro-Hamas groups."
Then, on April 7, 2015, they issued another intimidating statement where they called on their supporters to "join and support the JDL Protest at the Pro PFLP Sabeel Terror Recruiting Conference in Vancouver."
Obviously the JDL does NOT know the difference between Hamas and the PFLP, let alone the difference between true Christianity and Christian Zionism.
In the name of the Canada Palestine Association, Vancouver, we call on everyone to support this conference that is debunking Christian Zionism and accordingly Zionism as a settler colonialist ideology.
It is worth noting that the Canadian government treats the terrorist JDL as a legitimate organization (one of their leaders was part of Harper's delegation to Israel last year), while at the same time our government lists all the Palestinian resistance organizations, with no exception, as terrorist groups.

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