Monday, July 21

Israel Kills Relentlessly

The wickedness continues, with at least 425 Palestinians, mostly civilians, now murdered by Israel. The names of those killed is being updated by the authorities in Gaza. 

By John Hilley
In one of the most horrendous assaults to date, over 60 people have been massacred in the Al-Shejaia area of northeast Gaza. (Strong warning: the images from Al-Shehaiai are deeply disturbing.) 
Norwegian surgeon Dr Mads Gilbert has been at al-Shifa hospital, working in desperate conditions trying to save the dying and assist the injured. 
In A doctor writes from Gaza - 'there are lakes of blood', he observes: 
My respect for the wounded is endless, in their contained determination in the midst of pain, agony and shock. My admiration for the staff and volunteers is endless. My closeness to the Palestinian "sumud" - or steadfastness - gives me strength. But, in glimpses, I just want to scream, hold someone tight, cry, smell the skin and hair of the warm child, covered in blood, protect ourselves in an endless embrace - but we cannot afford that, nor can they.
Channel 4 News reporter Jonathan Miller has recorded much of the horror, a traumatic experience in itself.
He tweets
Jonathan Miller @millerC4 
#c4news #Gaza Doctors at Shifa Hospital describe last night as "a massacre". I have seen there which I will never be able to unsee.
It's admirable that such journalists are there on the ground witnessing the killing and terror. But isn't it also just as vital that they bear witness, via their reporting, to the true cause and context of that killing and terror: Israel's enduring siege and the relentless Occupation of Palestinian land?
That needs to be said, clearly and consistently. Otherwise, we see the suffering - or what fraction of it the media deem permissible - but remain ignorant or mystified about the fundamental reason whyit's happening. 
All of which helps reinforce the spurious 'two-warring-sides' line, the facile 'tit-for-tat' narrative so seamlessly delivered by the BBC. 
This vast media distortion provides invaluable cover for political evasion. As with previous mass attacks on Gaza, where's the outcry from the US, Britain and all those 'responsibility to protect' liberals? Where's the international reaction we heard when Nato was rushing to 'defend' and 'liberate' Libya, that 'Benghazi moment'? Would we ever remotely hear them talk now of an 'Al-Shejaia moment'?
Kerry has, apparently, been caught 'off mic' reacting to Israel's blanket killing in 'Al-Shejaia: "It's a hell of a pinpoint operation", he said. 
It was a small, but revealing, moment, confirming not just what craven elites like Kerry really do see, but, much more shamefully, what they pretend not to. As he continued flawlessly again into 'we support Israel' mode, it confirmed the sheer venal deceit of his 'peace-shuttling diplomacy'.     
Contemplating the poor victims of Al-Shejaia, the horrors being inflicted on Gaza, and the West's protection of the perpetrators, people may despairingly ask: how do those like Kerry live with their wicked deceptions? Their work is not remotely about the promotion of peace and resolution, but the calculating mitigation of state terrorism. 
Yet, as Jonathan Cook suggests, we should also think deeply about the seemingly 'human motivations' behind Kerry's unguarded words, for, together with his pledge to keep supporting Israel's killing machine, they help explain the darker, delusional psychology that allows such people to rationalise mass slaughter in the 'higher interest'. 
Alongside Israel's state gangsters, we can only hope such Western criminal complicity is one day exposed in the highest court of law.   
- Warning -

- Graphic Images -

Pictures show the horror and reality of the Israeli attack on the people of Gaza. Should only be viewed by a mature audience.

Shejaia burning today morning amid intense Israeli shelling - Photo via Reuters
Shejaia burning today morning amid intense Israeli shelling – Photo via Reuters
Photo via @airflotilla2
Photo via @airflotilla2
Here's my only photo - respectful, I hope - of the young man repeatedly shot meters from us in #Gaza ~ by @jncatron
Here’s my only photo – respectful, I hope – of the young man repeatedly shot meters from us in #Gaza ~ by @jncatron
The attack on Al moghraby's family house in Rafah south of Gaza - Photo via @GYBO
The attack on Al moghraby’s family house in Rafah south of Gaza – Photo via @GYBO
Photo via @HaniSiliman : Old women is raising a white flag and is feeling with her family away from Al-Shojai'ya area east Gaza
Photo via @HaniSiliman :
Old women is raising a white flag and is feeling with her family away from Al-Shojai’ya area east Gaza
A doctor cries while standing next to a table with the bodies of four dead children in Shifa hospital in #Gaza - Photovia  ‏@m_househ
A doctor cries while standing next to a table with the bodies of four dead children in Shifa hospital in #Gaza
- Photovia ‏@m_househ
Pulling bodies from the rubble Shujayah Photo via  ‏@bbclysedoucet
Pulling bodies from the rubble Shujayah
Photo via ‏@bbclysedoucet
Photo by Omar el Qattaa
أحد الشهداء الذين تم انتشال جثامينهم من تحت الأنقاض  One of martyrs during the extraction from under the ruins Photo by Omar el Qattaa
أحد الشهداء الذين تم انتشال جثامينهم من تحت الأنقاض
One of martyrs during the extraction from under the ruins
Photo by Omar el Qattaa
Martyr Ashraf Silawi attacked by unmanned warplane west of #Jabalia, and wounding another  Photo via @saidshouib
Martyr Ashraf Silawi attacked by unmanned warplane west of #Jabalia, and wounding another
Photo via @saidshouib
Martyr Ashraf Silawi attacked by unmanned warplane west of #Jabalia, and wounding another  Photo via @saidshouib
Martyr Ashraf Silawi attacked by unmanned warplane west of #Jabalia, and wounding another
Photo via @saidshouib
Photo via @GYBO
Photo via @GYBO
Photo via @GYBO - July 20, 2014
Photo via @GYBO – July 20, 2014
Photo by @anadoluimages :  A Palestinian man mourns over the dead body of a boy who killed due to Israeli attacks in Gaza City
Photo by @anadoluimages :
A Palestinian man mourns over the dead body of a boy who killed due to Israeli attacks in Gaza City
Photo via VoicesofGaza
Photo via VoicesofGaza
آPhoto via @AYAHUMAIDM
آPhoto via @AYAHUMAIDM

Photo via @HasCumra
Photo via @HasCumra
A picture of a whole family dead in Alshojaeya.. Photo via @GYBO
A picture of a whole family dead in Alshojaeya..
Photo via @GYBO
Photo via @ReturnPal
Photo via @ReturnPal
Photo via Motasem A Dalloul
Photo via Motasem A Dalloul
Photo via @hawinnnnnn
Photo via @hawinnnnnn
Funeral martyr journalist "Khaled Hamad" attacked by Israeli Forces at #Shijaia via @saidshouib
Funeral martyr journalist “Khaled Hamad” attacked by Israeli Forces at #Shijaia
via @saidshouib
Funeral martyr journalist "Khaled Hamad" attacked by Israeli Forces at #Shijaia via @saidshouib
Funeral martyr journalist “Khaled Hamad” attacked by Israeli Forces at #Shijaia
via @saidshouib
Funeral martyr journalist "Khaled Hamad" attacked by Israeli Forces at #Shijaia via @saidshouib
Funeral martyr journalist “Khaled Hamad” attacked by Israeli Forces at #Shijaia
via @saidshouib
At Shajaiya expect #s of injured and/or dead to rise. We saw 7 stretchers in 10 minutes on one street. Some v bad. Photo via William Booth
At Shajaiya expect #s of injured and/or dead to rise. We saw 7 stretchers in 10 minutes on one street. Some v bad. Photo via William Booth
Immense destruction in Shuja'eya area via @janisctv
Immense destruction in Shuja’eya area via @janisctv
@BoothWilliam:  At hard hit Shajaiya in Gaza: streets blocked by rumlbe, gore, wounded without limbs, masked fighters darting ahead
At hard hit Shajaiya in Gaza: streets blocked by rumlbe, gore, wounded without limbs, masked fighters darting ahead
 Photo via William Booth ‏:  Ambulance abandoned in Shajaiya.

Photo via William Booth ‏:
Ambulance abandoned in Shajaiya.
@activestills:  Medics mourn their collgues killed in #Shejaiya, reports on humanitrain ceasfire not fully kept #GazaUnderAttack
Medics mourn their collgues killed in #Shejaiya, reports on humanitrain ceasfire not fully kept #GazaUnderAttack
Photo via @ThisIsGaza
Photo via @ThisIsGaza
Civilians flee in en masses to escape imminent Death by terrorist Israel via @YousefAljamal
Civilians flee in en masses to escape imminent Death by terrorist Israel via @YousefAljamal
Martyr journalist Khaled Hamad's father kisses his foot & say the last goodbye. via  ‏@HindSaeed1
Martyr journalist Khaled Hamad’s father kisses his foot & say the last goodbye. via ‏@HindSaeed1
Photo via Al Qassam Brigades - July 20, 2014
Photo via Al Qassam Brigades – July 20, 2014


Photos by SAFA

Photos via MEMO

Photos via DRAH
They have been targeted while the are getting outfrom their house.Then their Mom martyred by shells via @Islam_khatib
They have been targeted while the are getting outfrom their house.Then their Mom martyred by shells via @Islam_khatib
Photos by PalToday

Anyone viewing these images will undoubtedly be disturbed and angered by the brutality of the Israeli regime. Posting comments that reflect that anger are acceptable provided the do not condemn a particular race or religion for the atrocities of Zionism.
If you care about the suffering of the Palestinian people and Israels disregard for common decency, then you will accept that we all have a responsibility to protest this savagery by taking action.
You can not relieve yourself of that duty by posting comments on this page. Join a local protest, or better still, start a local demonstration to demand that Israel stop the genocide of the Palestinian people.
Peace and Joy

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