Excellent documentary on life in Palestine before the Nakba (before the Palestinian holocaust) Arabic with English subtitles
UNRWA audiovisual archive of Palestinain refugees: half a million photos and videos digitized http://archive.unrwa.org/
Video, the Ethnic Cleansing of Jerusalem
Denying the “Nakba”: ‘Not An Option, Israel’
Gum Films: The Lab An investigative documentary revealing how the Israeli military occupation in Palestine has become a business rather than a burden.
This is just one of the reasons Israel does not want peace: 10 billion from tested-n-Palestinians weapon sales. Other two are direct profit from stealing Palestinian property, direct profit from a captive market under occupation, direct profit from foreign aid extorted from US and other tax-payers. It is also the financial reason why Israel does not want refugees to return and reclaim their stolen property. A thief wants to get away with theft, a murderer with murder. The absence of enforcement of international law lets this travesty go on. That is why we need more push on resistance, activism, and Boycotts, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS)
While we are still awaiting the implementation of "reconciliation" between Hamas and Fatah and the hope of reconstituting a democratic PLO, we must continue to act vigorously and strongly. We owe it to our martyrs.
Mazin Qumsiyeh
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