A long time Palestinian activist and close family friend, Amer Jubran, has been detained in Jordan since Monday May 5th. Please read the information below and make the calls and faxes requested tomorrow Monday May 12th. Please keep in mind when faxing to Jordan that Jordan is 6 hours ahead of us and if possible, please fax your letter early Monday morning for it to be received during business hours Monday.
Please forward this to all your contacts. It is urgent.
Thank you,
***Please forward widely***
May 11, 2014
Amer Jubran Taken by Secret Police in the Middle of the Night
We have just received notice that Amer Jubran was arrested by the secret intelligence agency of the Jordanian government, the Mukhabarat, in the middle of the night on Monday May 5th. He has not been allowed any contact with a lawyer and no one knows where he is being held. This arrest is the result of intelligence cooperation between Jordan, the United States, and Israel in their attempt to silence dissent and eliminate political support for resistance to the American-Zionist project in the region.
Amer is a Palestinian political activist who opposed the warmaking policies of the United States and Israel during his 18 year residence in the United States. Shortly after September 2001 he was harassed by US authorities, detained, and finally pushed out of the country (see http://www.amerjubrandefense.
As longtime friends who knew Amer when he was in the US, we urge you to make phone-calls and send faxes on Monday, May 12 to the Jordanian authorities (see details below). Amer has been held for interrogation for six days (as of today) and needs our support. Please write and call to demand his release.
To help us keep up effective pressure, please also send us an e-mail to let us know if you reached anyone and how they replied:
1) Jordanian Ministry of Interior
Fax number (from the United States): 011-962-6-5332078
For a printable fax in English and Arabic, click here: http://bit.ly/1iE3Uo3
2) Jordanian Embassy in Washington DC
Embassy of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
Telephone number:
(202) 966 - 2664
Fax number:
(202) 966 - 3110
***Talking points
- Mr. Jubran is a well-known Palestinian activist and voice of dissent.
- Mr. Jubran was arrested and detained on May 5 and has not been charged with any crime.
- He was not allowed to contact a lawyer and no one knows where he is being held.
- Demand that his rights be respected and that he be released immediately.
***Sample letter
To whom it may concern,
I am writing to express my outrage at the recent arrest of Amer Jubran. Mr. Jubran was detained by Jordanian authorities on May 5. He has not been charged with any crime or given access to a lawyer. Why is he still being held?
Since Mr. Jubran is a well-known Palestinian activist and voice of dissent, it's impossible to see his arrest as anything other than an attempt to silence him.
Freedom of speech is an internationally recognized human right. Respect Mr. Jubran's basic rights and release him immediately.
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