Sunday, January 12

Quenelle Qontinues – France under the Lobby boot

France’s Hollande backs ban on Dieudonné show

 … by  Jim W. Dean, VT Editor    …with  Press TV, Teharan

Zios - White phosphorus on the Gazans is not a comedy show, but a crime against humanity
Zios – White phosphorus on the Gazans is not a comedy show, but a crime against humanity
Well this is turning as we expect. While Israel sits on huge underclared WMD stockpiles, runs huge offensive intelligence operations against all countries including its ‘friends’, and runs a large international terrorism operation subverting goverments all over the world, we have France declaring war on a comedian.
Yes, you know I am going to say it, “You just can’t make this stuff up!”
Out of the blue in 2014 we have France making an international poster child against Jewish Lobby subversion of their political systems. This could be a very interesting year.
I am just dying to see how the Whoish Lobby spinmeisters are going to put a Hitler wrap on the black comedian who is using comedy for one of its intended purposes…social justice. Of course that is not something the Lobby is interested in unless they have the number one victim role, which they don’t have here.
Dieudonne’ will have huge support, in the courts, paying his legal bills, and internationally if France is stupid enough to push this string. Hollande, with rankings down in the basement with the US Congress seems desperate to have a whipping boy to take some of the heat off.
Dear Mr. Pretend-a-President of France, whoever on your staff advised you to make a black comedian public enemy number one, you need to check their bank accounts for a recent large deposit. My advice? You can go lower than you are now, but forgive me if that is your real intention.
I would not want to ruin your show. On the contrary, please continue drawing attention world wide over how the Whoish Lobby has so many world leaders and goverments on a string. The world is dying to know…literally.
If you think I am blugging check out Gordon’s last article on Press TV and VT, and mine on Israeli espionage in the US.  Wake up and smell the roses. That’s what they pay you for.


 -  First published January 8, 2014  -

Hollande cannot seem to see how petty his is making France look. He's acting like the American Congress
Hollande cannot seem to see how petty he is making France look. He’s acting like the American Congress
French President Francois Hollande has backed his interior minister’s call on local police to ban shows by comedian Dieudonné M’bala M’bala,amid accusations that his routines are “anti-Semitic.”
Hollande urged on Tuesday local officials to follow Manuel Valls’ memo authorizing city mayors or police chiefs to forbid performances of the French comedian, commonly referred to as Dieudonné on public order grounds.
Dieudonné has been accused of “racist and anti-Semitic” remarks and been criticized over his use of an arm gesture known as the “quenelle.”
The French comedian argues that the arm gesture only represents his “anti-establishment” views, but his opponents allege that it is of an “anti-Semitic nature.”
Hollande said the call by the Interior Ministry was to “ensure that no one can use a performance for the goals of provocation and the promotion of overtly anti-Semitic theories,” without specifically mentioning Dieudonné.
Since the memo was sent out on January 6, a number of French cities, including Nantes and Bordeaux, have forbidden Dieudonné’s show. Officials claim that there was a risk of violent clashes between fans of the comedian and protesters.
However, Diuedonné’s lawyer, Jacques Verdier, has said his client would immediately appeal against any ban on him performing.
Critics of the French government’s attempt to stop the comedian’s performances say the move violates the right to freedom of speech. This comes as Dieudonné’s was scheduled to begin a nationwide tour of a one-man show in the western city of Nantes, which is one of the cities that have banned the performance.
dieudonne-2289510-jpg_1980531     ” Dieudonné’s da Man “

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