Sunday, January 12

Ariel Sharon “The Bulldozer” and “The Butcher” Dead

Have a pleasant Sunday wherever you may be and spare a thought for those in the Israeli-controlled open air prison known as the Gaza Strip.

by Rex Williams

US Lobby Sharon's dead
Sharon was an evil man, as all Zionist leaders have been, but we can now wait for all the hypocritical words of false praise from those who have been compromised by Zionists for decades. It has already started today, the US and the UK, the  first players in the game.      
This week's planned failure of the theatre production called  "Peace Talks", yet again, all well orchestrated with US connivance, means that the world now has no other option but Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against this unholy alliance of international criminals.
For the peace process in pictures, Mondoweiss, rounds up all the usual suspectshere.
Sharon dead
Wiped Palestine off the Map
For some brief history, that few know about, watch this documentary video from the pages of Veterans News Now of the S&S massacre, placed on record, by British veteran journalist Robert Fisk, a decent journalist of unquestionable credibility:

For those who find all these videos just a touch too nauseating, indicative as it is of 66 years of the similar Israeli treatment of Palestinians, enabled by the western governments, hit delete.
Gaza in Plain language:
Written by Joe Mowrey. Narrated and Edited by Anthony Lawson.

For full and accurate information on the Israel-Palestine so-called "conflict"
Have a pleasant Sunday wherever you may be and spare a thought for those in the Israeli-controlled open air prison known as the Gaza Strip.

Rex Williams, is a retired businessman, and has been a management consultant and director, involved in aviation, information technology. He lives in Australia and  has a long term interest in the military and politics. He is a humanitarian and strong activist against injustice and hypocrisy.
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