Wednesday, July 24

Please call Benjamin Netanyahu to tell him to Stop targeting those that want justice and peace

The harassments and aggressive approach of Israelis and pro Zionist groups around the world does not stop.

In reality, the opposite it happening: while Benjamin Netanyahu in office (as the Israeli PM), the Shin-Bet, Mossad Budget increased by 20% (estimated).

Those organizations use their money to collect information from enemy states. (we could say its legitimate..?).

But they are also using their resources to silence, harass, target, peace activists and whistle-blowers!

The Israelis are not alone: many organizations like "Anti German", "Black-Block", ADL, JDL, Hilel, ..ext are acting in similar ways! (Protecting Israel whether its wrong or right).

The Israelis are targeting Roy tov (in Bolivia), Ami Meshulam (in Canada), and myself (in Germany), they are putting our lives / our health in danger, Isolating and extremely harassing us!

But list of targets is much bigger! ..The hate against us is unbelievable. 

Please call Benjamin Netanyahu office and suggest them to stop those targeting at once;

Invest their time and resources creating working places and infrastructure in Israel,

Listen to European voices calling for peace and boycotting settlements products!

Benjamin Netanyahu office:

Telephone: 02-6705555

Fax: 02- 5664838

Office manager: Harel Locker 

* Israel's area code is 972 *

Defence ministry:

Telephone: 03-6976663

Fax: 03-6976218

Office manager: Ehud Shani

Here is a part of a later from my lawyer Ameena Sultan:

July 3, 2007


Randall Ellsworth

Office of the Area Director

Legal Aid Ontario

375 University Avenue, Suite 204

Toronto, Ontario M5G 2G1

Dear Mr. Ellsworth:


Opinion: Civil proceedings 

Certificate number: CE54716086

Our file number: 07-3431 

The above certificate authorizes the preparation of an opinion regarding the merits of pursuing or defending civil proceedings. The proceedings the client wishes to pursue relate to harassment and intimidation he has experienced in Canada and attributes to Israeli agents, and the failure of the police to take his complaints seriously.


Mr. Hlinovsky is a 37-year-old Israeli citizen who has been accepted as a Convention refugee in Canada. Mr. Hlinovsky currently resides in Toronto and is taking steps to obtain his permanent resident status.

Background in Israel

Mr. Hlinovsky was accepted as a refugee in Canada on the basis of his political opinion, and in particular his activism in support of the rights of Palestinians and his association with various social and political groups. 

Mr. Hlinovsky worked as a police officer in the Israeli town of Ramat Gan starting in 1993. In 1997, while in his workplace, Mr. Hlinovsky began expressing political opinions in opposition to Israel's occupation of the Palestinian territories. He began to notice changes in how he was treated in the workplace, including a worsening of his work assignments. Ultimately, after feeling cumulative pressure in the workplace, Mr. Hlinovsky quit his job on November 1, 1999. 

Subsequently, Mr. Hlinovsky became increasingly politically active. He participated in protests, demonstrations, meetings and convoys to bring food and supplies to Palestinian towns and villages. His political activities attracted the attention of Israeli police, the country's internal security service (Shabak) and right-wing extremists. Mr. Hlinovsky was harassed by the police and security services as a result of his political activities. In 2001 and 2002, his car was vandalized and stolen, apparently by right-wing extremists who opposed his political views. When Mr. Hlinovsky filed complaints, the police failed to investigate the allegations or otherwise assist Mr. Hlinovsky.

In 2002 and 2003, when he was called to fulfill his mandatory military service, Mr. Hlinovsky declined. Around December 2002, Mr. Hlinovksy attended a protest in Tel Aviv. Four undercover police officers approached him and took him to the downtown police station. They held him there for several hours while they "investigated" him. 

In July 2003, Mr. Hlinovsky undertook a one-man march from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem to highlight Israeli abuses of Palestinians. Near the beginning of the march, Mr. Hlinovsky was attacked by a group of men whom he did not know. Mr. Hlinovsky filed a police complaint in Tel Aviv that same day. Approximately one week later, after Mr. Hlinovsky had arrived in Jerusalem, he received a call from the police asking him to attend in Tel Aviv. They told him it was in relation to his complaint. When Mr. Hlinovsky attended at the police station, the police showed him photographs of people, none of whom were involved in the attack. The police also photographed and fingerprinted Mr. Hlinovsky. He was investigated by the internal investigation services who told him that he had become a security concern. 

In late August or early September 2003, Mr. Hlinovsky was called in again by internal investigation services. They told him they were watching him and he should cease his political activities. They warned that if he did not do so, action could be taken against him. Nevertheless, Mr. Hlinovsky persevered in his political activism. He contintued to experience regular police harassment as a consequence. 

In May 2005, Mr. Hlinovsky's residence was unlawfully searched, without a warrant, by two police officers. Mr. Hlinovsky filed a complaint in court naming the two police officers. The officers did not appear in court. After the complaint, Mr. Hlinovsky's treatment at the hands of the police and security services worsened further. In July 2005, his residence was again broken into by internal security forces. Yet again there was no search warrant. This time security personnel tore through his apartment, damaging or throwing out his belongings. 

Following the break-ins and near constant harassment, Mr. Hlinovsky investigated the option of leaving Israel. He came to Canada on November 2, 2005.

Events in Canada

Shortly after arriving in Canada, Mr. Hlinovsky retained the services of immigration lawyer Avi Sirlin to represent him in his claim for refugee status in Canada. Mr. Hlinovsky's application was submitted together with substantial documentation of the conditions faced by pro-Palestinian activists in Israel. Mr. Hlinovsky's hearing was held before the Immigration and Refugee Board on May 31, 2006. The decision issued July 28, 2006 found Mr. Hlinovsky to be a Convention refugee. 

When Mr. Hlinovsky first came to Canada, he resided for two months in Toronto. From January 2006 to January 2007 he lived in St. Catharines, Ontario, returning to Toronto in January 2007. Mr. Hlinovsky describes fresh incidents of harassment in St. Catharines and Toronto that he attributes to Israeli agents acting in Canada. The following is a description of these incidents. 

Assault: December 2005/January 2006 incident – Queen/Lansdowne, Toronto

Mr. Hlinovsky does not recall the precise date of this incident, which occurred sometime in December 2005 or January 2006. Mr. Hlinovsky was outside close to his home when he noted he was being followed by a man he described as tall and Asian-looking. Mr. Hlinovsky asked the man why he was following him. The man then got on the same bus as Mr. Hlinovsky and Mr. Hlinovsky used a disposable camera to photograph the man. From the bus, the other man telephoned some friends. Four Asian-looking men met the first man and confronted Mr. Hlinovsky, demanding that Mr. Hlinovsky hand over his camera and give them money. Mr. Hlinovsky was reluctant to give up the camera as it documented this and other matters of concern to him. The man and his friends set upon Mr. Hlinovsky when he would not give up the camera. Mr. Hlinovsky was injured in the altercation and suffered a broken tooth. He was taken by ambulance to St. Joseph's Health Centre. Police were called and took notes of the incident but the perpetrators escaped. Mr.Hlinovsky retained the camera, however, and provided the revlevant photograph to the police.....


Shahar Hlinovsky

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