Friday, May 10

To Exist is to Resist

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Israeli Soldiers, Palestinian Protesters Clash in Walaja  (I am in the black hat)

It was a very successful event and there wee lots of media presence. Dozens of other peaceful demonstrations today were faced by violent Israeli repression (e.g. metal bullets used in Beit Ummar).   But we Palestinians could do a lot more especially if those getting salaries from the Palestinian authority (money that belongs to the Palestinian people) would join directly in the resistance. Many of them merely talk about it or about past resistance even as hords of racist settlers march on Jerusalem with T-shirts showing destruction of the Dome of the Rock.  But we see growth in the resistance in dozens of villages and truly inspiring acts of resistance.

Join us Sunday 12 May 2013 in Beit Sahour at 10 AM for a peaceful march to Ush Ghrab

[Book available online] John Holloway, Change the World Without Taking Power: The Meaning of Revolution Today
This generated some discussion:

To Exist is to Resist: Seminar day in Jiflik: Hosted by Jordan Valley Solidarity, in the beautiful Friends’ Meeting House in Jiflik – the oldest building in the Jordan Valley – The Freedom Bus group heard talks from Mazin Qumsiyeh and Saed Abu-Hijleh about the history of Palestinian resistance, the nature of apartheid and personal experiences of living under occupation.

“Hiding behind its Pseudo Democracy” : Israel Captures More than 40% from Palestinian Lands Using Twisted Methods

"G4S, the world’s biggest security company by revenues, has confirmed it is planning to quit key contracts in Israel amid protests against its involvement in settlements within Occupied Palestinian territories." writes Gill Plimmer

Support the Israeli Occupation; It's Tax Deductible!: Friends of Israel Defense Forces Raises $27 Million Under NY Media’s Radar

Stateless Palestinian Refugee becomes successful enterpreneur

Five reasons why Hawking is right to boycott
Mazin Qumsiyeh

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