Sunday, September 2

Help Palestinian farmers sell their crops
You can help us train the farmers in Bardalah and Kardalah to cultivate new crops and market their produce for export. All it takes is a small donation.
Help us reach our goal by sharing this with your friends and following our progress:

Make a difference: Empower local farmers

Dear IPCRI friends and supporters,

IPCRI is developing a project that will train farmers from two of the poorest villages in the Jordan Valley to cultivate new crops and market their produce for export outside the region. Isolated in the northern West Bank, Bardalah and Kardalah lack health, education, and public transportation services. The people in these villages are dependent on agriculture for their economic livelihood, but they face many obstacles in marketing and exporting their crops.

This project will train the farmers of these villages to grow new crops—herbs and chili peppers—that are in high demand in international markets and teach them how to market their produce to meet the strict importing standards of foreign markets. The village farmers will obtain better prices and benefit from these new economic opportunities.

With your donation, you can help make a difference in the lives of the people of Bardalah and Kardalah. Help equip these farmers with the necessary skills to improve their standard of living and make a small donation today!

Through the GlobalGiving platform you can see exactly how your support will make a difference.

With gratitude,

Riman Barakat and Dan Goldenblatt

Learn more


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